Created a Light saber would like some feedback on it

Hello! I would like some feedback on a lightsaber that I created. It was made just for fun but It would really help to give opinions :slight_smile:

I’m not the hottest with rendering either XD

Thanks in advance! :grin:


Looks pretty nice don’t you think the lighting is low it’s kinda dull

It looks awesome! It looks so detailed, I like it a lot! I could suggest you to make the laser ( or whatever that is ) to have a more brighter color. Anyway, keep up the good work!

laser looks very bland compared to the handle, good job though

XD Ik I forgot how to make it glow more… Thanks for the feedback though.

The handle is really great, I would work on the laser on the lightsaber. It looks pretty bland, and a lightsaber itself usually glows.

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