While barely finished, I made a partially-revised version of what the Talent Hub could look like with some notable changes in the layout.
I took a lot of this layout’s inspiration from Discourse’s structure by having applications separated by skillsets similar to the discourse homepage.
Furthermore, when clicking on a section, I’ve stretched out the jobs because, in my opinion, I feel there’s a lot more space that can be used on the Talent Hub. Again, the layout got inspired by Discourse’s layout.
Here’s a short visual of what it looks like:
I’d like to hear what your thoughts are, but here’s my own criticism:
Problems it solves:
- (I believe) it allows other applications to be more discoverable by skill instead of being put into one thread where the topic will be phased out in a couple of hours, if not minutes.
- It uses more blank space that the Talent Hub is currently not using, allowing things to be more spread out.
- This layout values applications only by skillset, which makes finding more specific types of jobs difficult (as in looking for a commission rather than a full-time job, or a payment in $ rather than Robux.)
- While this may be viewed as neater, taking so much inspiration from the developer forum/discourse can make the Talent Hub pointless, for it could be viewed as simply cloning #collaboration rather than revising it.
I’d love to hear your thoughts!