Created a simple coin flip game any ideas?

So, about a day or two ago I got bored and make this quick coin flip game. I’m just about finished it but it would be really cool for some new ideas or feedback!

The Current Features:

  • Flip a coin
  • High Score
  • Change Coin Colours
  • Leaderboard (almost finished)

Be really cool to know any ideas you have!
Here is a short video of the game and if you would like to play the game just ask me!


Definitely add some background, you can’t have your game be looking like that overall. Also I would suggest some gamemode that would allow you to interact with other players, like pvp coin flip etc. Lastly maybe you could add some upgrades to the coin (or extra coins with extra pillars), to make the player feel progress in the game.


Hi keckts,

It’s graphically nice, but in its current state it’s more of a test of a mechanic than a finished game, it lacks content, it’s not a meaningful experience.

It may come close to the idea for a hyper casual game, but in that case the flip mechanic needs to be revised to make it incredibly juicy.
For example by making the flip animation more similar to that of a real coin, then modifying the lerping.
Adding particle effects, improving the quality of the coin material, playing with lights.
Think of it as: “I only have one thing, so I have to make it perfect”.


I will spend hours playing if it has lucky upgrades and rarity system (godly coin, mythical coin, etc…)


Yeah I was thinking of making some effects I will try that out but I just wanted to finish the game fast thats why it is lacking a lot. Thanks tho :smiley:

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