CreateEditableMeshfromPart not working

Hi everyone!

Ive recently gotten into editable meshes and images, but I’ve come across a wierd error (maybe a bug, wanted to check). I’ve activated the beta editablemeshes feature, but when using the CreateEditableMeshfromPartAsync function, it returns: CreateEditableMeshfromPartAsync is not available yet!

I have tried restarting studio. Any ideas? Is this happening to anyone else?

CreateEditableMeshfromPartAsync will be deprecated soon, so I would suggest not using it anyway. We’ll have a update on EditableMesh coming soon. Sorry for the inconvenience and please stay tuned.

It is possible the feature is just not available to all BETA users yet but make sure you have the latest Studio version installed and the mesh flag checked. Other people have the same issue so likely just not rolled out to everyone or was already removed since it is being depreciated.