I’m trying to display a BillboardGUI inside a ViewportFrame to display some basic text, however for some reason the Billboard GUI doesnt show on the ViewportFrame but it does show if I move the model to workspace.
I have seen some post on the dev forums that says this is possible and briefly explains how to do it here, but i tried and that didnt work (setting the billboard adornee)
Thats not what that post meant. It was asking if you could have a viewport frame inside of a billboard gui. Last time I checked roblox does not support billboard guis inside of viewport frames, but Roblox’s staff would have to confirm that.
Roblox does not support GUIs (surface guis, billboard guis, etc) inside of ViewportFrames. However, you can recreate your own. BillboardGuis actually just reposition a 2D gui onto your screen. So to give the illusion of a BillboardGui within the ViewportFrame you can place a frame of some kind in a real BillboardGui and copy its position to another frame over top of the ViewportFrame. You can then set the Frame’s ClipsDescendants property to true so it will not display outside the bounds of the ViewportFrame.
What you can do however is make a billboard-GUI, place the adornee into the HumanoidRootPart of the character. Extentoffset = Vector3.new(0,0,-10) Next place an image label into the billboardgui and set the Size and coordinates the way you want it. This is what mine resulted.