Creating a Cafe That's Run by Bots

Here at Humoration, we got nothing to do, so in collaboration with @Geek_Humor, we created a cafe that is entirely run by bots. The system isn’t greatly optimal as it is prone to bugs, but in the meantime, I’ll try my best to squash them. These bots are able to create drinks and provide pastries to players. Players are able to interact with both machines and bots to either order or make drinks.

Here are some great pictures of what it’s like:

We also have a demo video of how the place will operate and how the bots behave. You can check it out below:

Do not hesitate to provide any feedback to what can be improved and what to add! Thanks! :smiley:


The cafe build looks fantastic, you did a great job🙂


Essentially, yes. I made it so the bots are able to make orders that players make.


That would solve the issue that most cafe games face, referring to trollers and toxicity of some of the player base in those kind of games🙂


Both the build and the bots are pretty nice. Pretty cool


Since I haven’t heard of any other cafe game with this feature implemented we could all very well see this becoming the most popular cafe game/place on the platform. Do you plan to sponsor your game?

A while back I also saw someone with the idea to add a car drive-through that would use a script or bot to drive the car for them when they get inside the vehicle. This would be cool if this feature was also implemented into your cafe place/game.


Hello @DevHumor ,

I love the build and also the whole idea of a cafe run by bots. I think this is very creative and you should be proud of what you have build. One thing I would say that you could maby make look better is the GUI/UI could be a little smoother for example you would have rounded egaes. That is just what I think would look good. Edit: You could also dress the bots up a little to make them look more like real players if you wanted.

Kind Regards,


I like the idea and it is detail and I could see this being very successful. As a personal opinion I think it is a bit dark inside. You could add some more lights or leave since I like buildings to be lighter than they should. Besides that I think it is great. Good Job!


This reminds me of the cafe workers from Turtle Hotel (tofuu’s game), you ask for an order and they get it for you. This game looks amazing and I hope you find some good usage of it.

To be honest, most cafe workers at games like Frappé act like robots when they use complicated words and spam “.” or “I-” :joy:


I also recommend adding an option for all kinds of users varying from low end users to high end users. What do I mean by this? Well, I think there should be an option to change how high quality the game looks with a simple optimization gui. This is obviously directed towards users that need that little bit of a boost in fps. Well, anyways I hope this helped🙂

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Also adding a bionic arm drink bar would also be cool, obviously the drinks are not 18+

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Lastly, I recommend adding the option to sit at a table and the bot would come and serve you🙂

As well as adding a jazz music/coffee time music to the playlist.


I do plan to add a library of music, but I ran to an issue on getting some. It’s gonna be a pain for me to use the develop page (or toolbox pane in Studio) and navigate through audio to see what fits best.

I do like the suggestions though!


I haven’t considered disabling collisions yet, which I may have to do later.

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Also the drink/order/menu ui needs some work, maybe even a rework possibly?
Maybe also add keywords to the bot so like when I say in chat for example “Could I please have a mocha” When I type this in the chat the bots Ai would respond to the keyword and in turn would make me some mocha and hand it to me.


Yeah, I might plan to rework the UI in the upcoming future. Keep in mind UI design isn’t my strongest ability (yet).


This cafe is look nice and i like what you doing right now.


That sounds great, I can’t wait to see the finalized product of your cafe place/game.


Also, not sure if you heard, your game might face some issues with Roblox’s new auto translation feature coming sometime next week. Due to you having the names of drinks and stuff that the auto translator wouldn’t pick up on I strongly advise that your cafe place/game Opt-Out of the Auto translate ai that Roblox will be testing starting next week.

Sorry, but I forgot to add this auto translation feature isn’t Opt-in, everyones places/games are automatically going to be auto translated by this new feature that Roblox will be testing next week. Hence you should Opt-Out. Anyways, I’m going to take my leave now on this thread, I hope this helped and good luck on your cafe place/game🙂 @DevHumor


This is the best thing I’ve seen this week.