Creating a chair that turns when you sit on it

Hello DevForum! I need help on creating a chair that turns when you sit on it.

I have two parts, the seat, and the base. Both the seat and the base have attachments and the base has an AlignPosition object in it connected to the attachment in the seat and in the base in order to make it free in movement. I also have made a script inside the seat to create other attachments for the seat to turn to:


local players = game:GetService("Players")
local seat = script.Parent
local base = seat.Parent.Base
--Seat Position
seatVect = {
x = seat.Position.X,
y = seat.Position.Y,
z = seat.Position.Z
--Seat Rotation
seatRot = {
x = seat.Orientation.X,
y = seat.Orientation.Y,
z = seat.Orientation.Z
--Seat Size
seatSize = {
x = seat.Size.X,
y = seat.Size.Y,
z = seat.Size.Z
--Front Attachment--
local FrontAtt ="Attachment")
FrontAtt.Name = "FrontAtt"
FrontAtt.Parent = base
FrontAtt.WorldPosition =, seatVect.y, (seatVect.z + (seatSize.z * 1) + 0))

--Back Attachment--
local BackAtt ="Attachment")
BackAtt.Name = "BackAtt"
BackAtt.Parent = base
BackAtt.WorldPosition =, seatVect.y, (seatVect.z + (seatSize.z * -1) + 0))

--Misc Functions--
local function DrawBeam(Parent, Att0, Att1, Name)
	local Beam ="Beam")
	Beam.Parent = Parent
	Beam.Enabled = true
	Beam.Attachment0 = Att0
	Beam.Attachment1 = Att1
	if Name then
		Beam.Name = Name

--Beam-- (Used for testing the position of attachments FrontAtt and BackAtt
if FrontAtt and BackAtt then
	DrawBeam(FrontAtt, FrontAtt, BackAtt)

local currentPlayer = nil
--Main Functions--
	local humanoid = seat.Occupant
	if humanoid then
		local character = humanoid.Parent
		local player = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
		if player then
			currentPlayer = player
	if currentPlayer then
		--print("getting up")
		currentPlayer = nil

The seat works, but I don’t know how to make the seat point towards the attachments and that because im using an AlignPosition object, which makes the seat seem like its ‘hovering’, this happens:
robloxapp-20200515-1122157.wmv (536.7 KB)

It rotates freely on the x and y rotation axis’. I don’t really want it to do that, but it happens anyway.

Reason why im using AlignPosition is because I tried using the hinge constraint, and it couldnt turn left or right freely. Plus, im not sure if there is a way to restraint an object from moving up or down without using a script that when the object moves, it makes it stay at the exact rotation values.

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I recommend using something like a motor for this to make your life easier. You can control the speed, and the angle of it.

I’m talking about a Motor6D

Doing that made it turn in the wrong direction.

Also, I want the seat to be at a fixed orientation instead of turning on a motor, while also being changeable inside my seat script.

Edit: i fixed the rotation from looking like what I’ve shown above, but is there at least a way you can control a motors direction or make a object go toward a direction and stay in that direction with a script?