Creating a Char Gamepass

Hello, I’m currently stuck on how to create a char gamepass - a command only people with the gamepass can run to char as another Roblox players avatar. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know or let me hire you for this. The command would be something like :char (roblox player)

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I’d always recommend searching before making a post!

Here’s a perfect tutorial, also adding it and making a gamepass version I think I covered. If not its super simple :wink:

local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketPlaceService ")

local PlayerBoughtThisGamePass =  MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(Userid, GamePassiD)

if PlayerBoughtThisGamePass then
  print("Player Has Bought This GamePass")

Thank you so much and true - I’ve used your videos in the past before to create a leveling system & rank GUI. Thanks for the help & reply.

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