Right now, I’m in the process of creating an Fe2 Inspired game and would like to pull something off similar to their Community Map System.
Basically, you’d start by making your map into a model, then opening the model for distribution. Then you’d press a button labeled “Whitelist”. From there, you can close your map from being distributed. But somehow, you can still load your maps without repeating the process over and over.
The only other topic I’ve seen talk about this would be this one
How Would I go About Making a Community Map System Like FE2 - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - Developer Forum | Roblox
That one talks about a bot of some sort, so I’m just confused on where I’d even start haha!
Any help would be awesome on this topic, thank you!
Link to Fe2 Community Maps game:
Flood Escape 2 Community Maps - Roblox