Hello i wanted to create a timer but the problem is it’s very unacrurate the timer finishes just after you can use my ability but i want to it to finish at the same time that the cooldown stops for my ability i also tested the time but in seconds instead and it was more accurate it only has a one second delay compared to the old one that has a 5 second delay
Here’s the script that i use for the timer in milliseconds :
local start = os.time()
for i = 35 * 10 , 1 ,-1 do -- 35 is the cooldown time in seconds
print((i / 10).."s")
print(os.time() - start) -- Prints 40
And the one in second :
local start = os.time()
for i = 35, 1 ,-1 do -- 35 is the cooldown time in seconds
print(os.time() - start) -- prints 36
local function GetTime()
return workspace:GetServerTimeNow()
local StartTime = GetTime() --Gets the starting time
local TimerSeconds = 35 --How many seconds should the timer run for
print(StartTime + TimerSeconds - GetTime(), "s")
--StartTime + TimerSeconds is the max time, and we subtract the current time
--from the max time to get the remaining time
task.wait() -- task.wait() so the code doesn't crash
until StartTime + TimerSeconds < GetTime() --And the timer ends when the max time is smaller than the current time
And you can use this function to print only x decimals:
local function FormatNumber(Number, DecimalCount)
return string.format("%."..DecimalCount.."f", Number)
print(FormatNumber(15.34635574, 3)) -- prints 15.346
Because task.wait(x) doesn’t wait exactly x time it waits a little bit longer than x
And I think the reason for that is roblox runs at 60 fps and it checks if it should stop waiting every frame. For example when you do task.wait(0.1) which is the same as doing task.wait(1/10) or task.wait(6/60) it should stop waiting at the 6th frame but because 6 = 6, it waits until the frame is bigger than the frame that it should stop at. So it waits until the 7th frame to stop.