Creating a dash system like this?

Title says it all, How would i make a dash system like this? (2:37) also, i see him using particles, how could i use my own? I made mine already as you can see:

But you know, its harder to script:

So any answers?


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First of all, perhaps the use of trails over beams is a better idea.

As for scripting I think you can figure out the movement, just add a bodyvelocity to your rootpart and it should launch you as long as you delete it when necessary.
To script the effects, just clone the beams or trails, put them on the necessary character location and delete them when needed.


The only reason why i made this post is because of two reasons;

  1. i don’t know how to add the effects
    2 (the most annoying one): In my last post i said why my body velocity is causing my player to shake. Its still not answered to this day…

Any ideas on why number 2 happens?

For 1, you should clone the effects and change the clone’s properties accordingly to match the attachments.

As for the 2nd I have no clue, there must be something more than the velocity influencing the body. Have you tried tweening the root instead?


Thank you, ill definitely try that!

I have not, would it work for a dash system aswell? (im guessing it will, as you reccomended it to me) Ill definitely try that aswell, thanks!

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