Creating a death idle animation permanently

Hello, I own an ant simulator. When a player dies, it creates a clone of their body and ragdolls it. This gives me a cool death affect however I would much rather have the body curl up, like an insect would when it dies. The animating part is easy, however I’m not sure if it could be possible to achieve a way to play an idle animation of the death curl indefinitely until the model is destroyed or eaten by other players. I’ve seen people do this by making a separate model stored in the game with it positioned in the death pose, but this seems like it would take up more space to store a separate model for each model and it would be much easier to just idle play an animation. Does anyone know how I could achieve this the best?

This is possible, like you said, you need to wait until the model is destroyed. Instance.Destroying is what you’re looking for.

Im sure anchoring the HumanoidRootPart and then playing a Looped animation would work

even if the dead body has no humanoid?

To play an animation it would need a Humanoid.

You can use an AnimationController instead of a Humanoid if you want.

So I could still play the animation without having a humanoid?

That is correct, but keep in mind the humanoid can also play the animation while dead.

What would I load the animation on if the humanoid isn’t there?

The Animator, parented inside an AnimationController or Humanoid.