Creating a Energy Core Explosion similar to CC2

Currently im working on making a Nuclear Explosion similar to Car Crushers 2 where the Energy Core Explodes and blows the entire building up, rn I’m making a Candy Type Energy Core that can do the same when reached enough Energy, Currently Im building it the Core is inside this glass which will grow into a explosion

After ROBLOX Updated the Foils Texture I knew it would be a Good Idea use to make the buildings look better now it looks even better in Future Lighting Now

Are you using the new part material beta? It looks a lot better.

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Yea im using ROBLOX New Materials rn mostly the Foil, it actually looks like Foil now instead of Water or Candy loking alike, rn im trying to look for Legacy Textures of Foil to make the Candy Texture for my obby buildings

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