Hi all,
I’m not sure if it’s possible or not and the answer could be ModuleScripts, so please forgive me if this question comes off as dumb. I am attempting to create a table that will update live and be able to be shared across all scripts on the server. (Preferably not the client). I thought that _G.TableName = {} would have achieved this but I have run into issues with other scripts being able to read from it. Here is a watered down example of what I have located in a module script:
_G.Bricks = {}
local Brick = {}
Brick.__index = Brick
function Brick.new(health)
local prop = {
Part = Instance.new("Part"),
Health = health
_G.Bricks[prop.Part] = setmetatable(prop, Brick)
return _G.Bricks[prop.Part]
function Brick:Damage(amt)
self.Health -= amt
return Brick
The server script would look something like this:
local Brick = require(game.ServerScriptService.BrickModule)
local x = Brick.new(100)
print(_G.Bricks) -- nil
print(_G.Bricks[x.Part]) -- this obviously errors
Building on the example above, what I would like to achieve is to be able to call _G.Bricks[instance] from any script in the server. Not just the script that ran the require on the module.
If you print _G.Bricks on any other script it comes up as nil.
I’ve considered storing them in a separate module, but I’m under the impression that modules can’t be live updated, nor can they be called recursively
Any help is greatly appreciated. I can further explain anything if need be