Creating a gun game lobby!

Me and my buddy ExcaliburXCI are working hard on a map in our gun fight game! He is making the map and I am making the lobby. This is my first result on my lobby, I will update it as soon as possible. What do you think? :wink:


Let me start off honest, too basic, too small, trees in the middle are from a plugin (Nothing is wrong with that) just think that building them is best :slight_smile:.
The map shape itself is basic, you got to start advancing.
The buildings are just copies with different colors, except for some.
I recommend that you make a road, add street lights. some cars.
Just make sure it looks good as currently its okay?
Good luck :slight_smile:


It’s a little bit basic/bland. The windows on the buildings are misplaced and look weird and the bricks on the buildings are too long-- usually, lobbies are simple and have a centerpiece.
Terrain is a pretty great way to keep the players attention span a little longer as you have to jump and travel your way from point A-B.


Thank you for the tips and visiting my post! This is my second building and the trees were made by my friend :confused:
Anyways I would love to re do it and maybe show it to you when I’m done, thanks for coming over!


Thank you for responding aswell! I would love to inspect some of your tips of course, I am not that good as a builder and might need some help. Anyways, thanks for the comment have a nice day!


The tree’s don’t really fit with the style of the building. Maybe try making your own that fit the style, or use free models?

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Unless you’re just starting out building, never use free models.


Not too pleasing to look at, also looks super cramped due to those trees. Love the color though :smile:. You should add different variations of buildings (shops, etc, etc) Just a little more detail, should feel clean and pleasing to be in. Also, when I look at this I think of sort of a kid game like Adopt Me, etc etc. You should go for a darker feel like Assassin. Unless cartoon/kiddish is the type of game you’re going for ofc.

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Maybe try and make new buildings, instead of using the same building and just changing the colours, but nice lobby.

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My friend made the trees and that’s all lol.