Creating a kart customization system. How should I add kart upgrades?

Greetings! I am creating a kart customization system, and development on it is going pretty well!

I am currently making everything work properly at the moment, and I am wondering how I should go for making kart upgrades that would alter the acceleration, speed, and even the TurnSpeed mainly.

Should I:

  • Have a separate setting for altered by Engine Level / Suspension / etc…
  • Have it all altered by the customization settings equipped

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Please also reply with why you chose your answer!

Thanks for your input in advance!


I think option two would be better for Bloxy Kart while the first would be better for more realistic games. That’s why I chose 2.

If you are gonna go with speed, Don’t give it much speed when upgrading. Because most new players wouldn’t have the chance to win.

Apologize if I’m wrong.