Creating a leaderboard in startergui?

When trying to look this up to see if I can find a way to do this I found nothing so rip anyways I have this leaderboard for my game and it’s in startergui inside my screengui and so I actually have no idea how to make a leaderboard when it’s like this. I’ve made a leaderboard before(from a tutorial), but it was with a part in workspace and it had a surfacegui etc, but I don’t think I can do the same thing I did for that for this.

LocalScript - Roblox Studio 7_13_2020 12_12_03 PM (2)
that’s probably not the best way to setup the leaderboard(?), but I originally made this ui to like layout the way I wanted things to look without thinking ahead when I actually needed to code it.

I’m not sure what you need help for? Maybe this question would be better off asking this question in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support if you are looking for more in depth responses, but I think setting up a leader board like this would work fine.

ui grid, clone a frame, refresh every 1 min with getordereddatastore

To clarify, you mean some form of global leaderboard and not a player list? Because what @Embedded77 said should work. It’s the same concept as making one on a part in the workspace except with a screen gui instead of a surface gui.

Oh yeah a global leaderboard to show the top 10 players with the most points is what I meant. Anyways I thought it was the same concept as well, but apparently not because I remember I asked in a Discord server people told me I’d have to use remote events and local scripts and stuff. :confused:

I don’t think you’d have to use a remote event or a local script…
All you have to do is create an ordered data store, loop through the first 10 pages in your case and clone a premade gui into the frame and edit some things like the players name or whatever. Then just update it every few minutes or however long you want, just remember that the limit for saving ordered data stores is relatively low, so don’t go overboard with the saving.

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