I’m basically trying to make an editable spline graph, but I’m having issues creating lines between the points.
This is the piece of code I made to create the lines, but it has a weird offset for some reason
for i = 1, #SplinePointsPositions - 1 do
local PointA = SplinePointsPositions[i]
local PointB = SplinePointsPositions[i + 1]
local Distance = (Vector2.new(PointA[1], PointA[2]) - Vector2.new(PointB[1], PointB[2])).Magnitude
local Position = Vector2.new(PointA[1] + PointB[1], PointA[2] + PointB[2]) / 2
local Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2(PointA[2] - PointB[2], PointA[1] - PointB[1]))
local Line = Instance.new("Frame")
Line.Size = UDim2.new(Distance, 0, 0, 4)
Line.Position = UDim2.fromScale(Position.X, Position.Y)
Line.Rotation = Rotation
Line.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
Line.ZIndex = 2
Line.Parent = SplineFrame.Spline.Lines
And the higher the difference in Y position the higher the offset from the actual point. I can’t really tell what could be causing this weird behaviour.
Your solution looks close. You nailed the position.
Obviously something is wrong with your rotation, but I also notice your Distance variable is wrong, it’s a little bit too long even if the rotation is correct.
Your Rotation and Position calculations are correct. Maybe look into the points themselves? Maybe you aren’t representing or reconstructing them correctly.
You could just represent the Udim2’s as Vector2s and make use of their .Unit function to get the rotation (the unit is in radians so just convert it using math.deg).
U were indeed right the positions were off because I used the scale of the positions and I did not take in consideration the difference between the x and y axis because the graph is in a rectangle. So if the graph were to be square it would work:
local positionOne = Vector2.new(PointA[1], PointA[2])
local positionTwo = Vector2.new(PointB[1], PointB[2])
local unit = (positionOne - positionTwo).Unit
local degrees = math.deg(unit)