Creating a line graph

I was wondering how I could go about generating a curved line in a UI that would be connected via two points.

I’ve looked at numerous scripts including posts found here on the devforums, all in which connect in a straight line. I was curious to see if I could make it curved like you see here…

You’ll have to use beizier curves, or some sort of way to get each individual position, it may not look good, and may cause a lot, and I mean a lot of lag.

So it’ll look bad as well as lag my game…?


Pretty much, it won’t lag the game if done correctly, but it very well may lag the client if not done correctly. Making a good smooth GUI with small frames is just really hard, it doesn’t help that rotating frames looks really bad.

It can look good if you put an individual frame for each position in the bezier curve, but that’s not exactly a performant way to do it.