Creating a Math Evaluator (Parser)



In the last tutorial we created a lexer to convert strings into a table of tokens. Now we’re going to use these tokens to prepare to evaluate expressions.

What is a parser?

A parser allows us to analyze the tokens created by a lexer and generate a parse tree. In our mathematical evaluator we won’t be created a parse tree but rather making a parser that utilizes the Shunting-yard algorithm to convert from infix to postfix notation. It’s worth noting it possible to generate an abstract syntax tree using this algorithm but we’ll just be using it for notation conversion. This will make evaluating the expression extremely easy.

What is infix and postfix notation?

Infix notation is when operators are placed between operands. Think of 3 + 6. The + operator is placed in between the operands 3 and 6. This is difficult for a computer to evaluate because ambiguity exists. The computer doesn’t know what operator precedence or associativity is. This is solved with postfix notation.

Postfix notation places operators after their operands. For example, 3 + 6 becomes 3 6 +. This is far easier for a computer to evaluate and ambiguity is eliminated. Here’s a great graphic demonstrating the different in the notations:


Creating Stack and Queue Collection Classes

For the Shunting-yard algorithm to work we need to create two collection classes that Lua doesn’t natively have available: a stack and queue. These are common in other programming & scripting languages but Lua is dynamic and just provides tables.

Creating the Stack Module

Think of a stack like a Lua table except you can only push items in to the top and remove from the top. This is very simple to create but will be very useful when writing our parser.

	Lua implementation of a


local Stack = {}
local StackClass = {}

	Create a new stack
function {any}?)
	local self = setmetatable({}, {
		__index = StackClass,
		__tostring = function(t)
			return string.format('Stack(%d)', #t._raw)
	self._raw = initial or {}
	return self

	Push a value onto the stack
function StackClass:push(value: any)
	table.insert(self._raw, value)

	Pop a value from the stack
function StackClass:pop()
	return table.remove(self._raw)

	Get the stack
function StackClass:get()
	return self._raw

	Get the top of the stack
function StackClass:top()
	return self._raw[#self._raw]

	Check if a stack is empty
function StackClass:isEmpty()
	return #self._raw == 0

return Stack

Creating the Queue Module

A queue is another type of collection. The way it works is you insert objects in from the top and remove from the bottom. This is even simpler than a stack to create.

	Lua implementation of a


local Queue = {}
local QueueClass = {}

	Create a new queue
function {any}?)
	local self = setmetatable({}, {
		__index = QueueClass,
		__tostring = function(t)
			return string.format('Queue(%d)', #t._raw)
	self._raw = initial or {}
	return self

	Enqueue a value
function QueueClass:enqueue(value: any)
	table.insert(self._raw, value)

	Dequeue a value
function QueueClass:dequeue()
	return table.remove(self._raw, 1)

	Get the queue
function QueueClass:get()
	return self._raw

return Queue

With these collection classes create we’re now ready to start making our parser.

Building the Parser

Parser class

Similar to our lexer the parser will utilize an OOP approach.

    -- The passed lexer must already have tokens
	assert(lexer.tokens ~= nil and (#lexer.tokens ~= 0), 'Cannot parse an empty lexer')

	local self = setmetatable({}, {__index = Parser})

	self.lexer = lexer -- Save the lexer for later
	self.position = 0 -- Store position of current token
	self.queue = -- Create a new queue
	self.stack = -- Create a new stack

	return self

Operators, precedence, and associativity

As defined before operators are characters such as +, -, etc. Each operator has a certain precedence (think PEMDAS like you learned in school) that defines its priority. Here’s a graphic with a good example of how precedence works:

Associativity is a bit more complicated. When you’re evaluating certain operators have right to left (RTL) or left to right associativity (LTR). This defines the order the operands are evaluated in. In our math evaluator we’re only going to have operators with LTR but we will add support for RTL operators (such as ^ for exponents).

Let’s define what tokens are operators, the precedence of the operators, and the associativity of the operators in our parser.

-- Operators and their token names
local OPERATORS = {

-- Higher numbers = more priority
local PRECEDENCE = {
	['PLUS'] = 0,
	['MINUS'] = 0,
	['ASTERIK'] = 1,
	['SLASH'] = 1

-- 0 = LTR
-- 1 = RTL
	['PLUS'] = 0,
	['MINUS'] = 0,
	['ASTERIK'] = 0,
	['SLASH'] = 0

Notice how we’re now writing out each operator rather than using their symbol/character such as + or -. This is because our parser exclusively works with tokens and not characters like our lexer.

We’ll need utility functions to determine if a token is an operator.

local function isOperator(token)
	return table.find(OPERATORS, token[1]) and true or false


We’re nearly ready to start parsing our tokens. We need a way to remove from the initial token onto the next until we reach the end of the table. We’ll write a :next() method similar to that in our lexer.

function Parser:next()
    -- Don't pass the last token
	if (self.position == #self.lexer.tokens) then
		self.token = nil

    -- Increase position & set the new current token
	self.position += 1
	self.token = self.lexer.tokens[self.position]

Now we’re ready to write our :parse() method where the magic happens. Let’s look at some pseudocode to better understand how the parser will work.

while there are tokens to be read:
    read a token
    if the token is:
    - a number:
        put it into the output queue
    - an operator o1:
        while (
            there is an operator o2 other than the left parenthesis at the top
            of the operator stack, and (o2 has greater precedence than o1
            or they have the same precedence and o1 is left-associative)
            pop o2 from the operator stack into the output queue
        push o1 onto the operator stack
    - a left parenthesis (i.e. "("):
        push it onto the operator stack
    - a right parenthesis (i.e. ")"):
        while the operator at the top of the operator stack is not a left parenthesis:
            {assert the operator stack is not empty}
            /* If the stack runs out without finding a left parenthesis, then there are mismatched parentheses. */
            pop the operator from the operator stack into the output queue
        {assert there is a left parenthesis at the top of the operator stack}
        pop the left parenthesis from the operator stack and discard it
/* After the while loop, pop the remaining items from the operator stack into the output queue. */
while there are tokens on the operator stack:
    /* If the operator token on the top of the stack is a parenthesis, then there are mismatched parentheses. */
    {assert the operator on top of the stack is not a (left) parenthesis}
    pop the operator from the operator stack onto the output queue

So let’s get to turning this pseudocode into actual code.

function Parser:parse()

	while (self.token) do
		local token = self.token

		if (token[1] == 'NUMBER') then
			self.queue:enqueue(tonumber(token[2])) -- Enqueue the value of the token
		elseif (isOperator(token)) then
			while (not self.stack:isEmpty()
				and ASSOCIATIVITY[token[1]] -- Associativity exists for the operator
				and PRECEDENCE[token[1]] -- Precedence exists for the operator
				and ASSOCIATIVITY[self.stack:top()[1]] -- Top is an operator with asssociativity
				and PRECEDENCE[self.stack:top()[1]] -- Top is an operator with precedence
					-- Associativity of token is LTR and precedence is <= precedence of the top operator
				and ((ASSOCIATIVITY[token[1]] == 0 and PRECEDENCE[token[1]] <= PRECEDENCE[self.stack:top()[1]])
						-- or associativity of token is RTL and precedence is < precedence of the top operator
					or (ASSOCIATIVITY[token[1]] == 1 and PRECEDENCE[token[1]] < PRECEDENCE[self.stack:top()[1]]))) do
				-- Then we'll pop the operator from the stack and put it onto the output queue
			-- Push the current token onto the operator stack
		-- Push '(' onto the output stack
		elseif (token[1] == 'LPAREN') then
		elseif (token[1] == 'RPAREN') then
			if (not self.stack:isEmpty()) then
				-- Work backwards until we reach the left parentheses
				while (self.stack:top()[1] ~= 'LPAREN') do
				-- Pop the left parentheses
				error('Expected \'(\' to close \')\'')
		self:next() -- Move to the next token

	-- Empty the operator stack and enqueue everything onto the output queue
	while (not self.stack:isEmpty()) do

	return self.queue

And you now have your parser using the shunting-yard algorithm! Go through all the comments I left in the code to understand what’s really going on. There are a ton of really great graphics, guides, and videos to better understand the algorithm available online so don’t be afraid to research.


Here’s the code I’ll be using to test.

local lexer ='3 + 6.6 * 2')

local postfix =

for i, v in pairs(postfix:get()) do -- remember the returned result is a queue
	if typeof(v) == 'table' then -- v is a token if it's a table
		for i2, v2 in pairs(v) do
			print(i, '|', v2)
	else -- otherwise it's a number
		print(i, '|', v)

If you did everything correctly your output should look like so:


We’ve successfully parsed our tokens and converted from infix to postfix notation!


This tutorial was a bit long but there was a lot to learn. Unfortunately it’s very hard to teach so much information in text like this but I did my best. While our parser converts from infix to postfix there are parsers that use other methods to generate parse trees for other use cases. For example, programming languages generate complex abstract syntax trees for their languages. Feel free to read up more on that if interested. The lexer made in the last tutorial can be adapted with a parser specifically for that if needed.

In the next part of the series we’ll create an interpreter to actually evaluate the postfix notation. I hope this was useful or interesting. Take care!


Even though I skimmed through this topic, it was very interesting, great job! I was thinking of making a calculator from scratch in Lua today, very cool!

Since I’m now making a programming language, I’m using this series as reference for parsers, and lexers, and interpreters.

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This has proven quite useful as I am writing a math parser in JS to convert custom Tokens to Expressions (ultimately to add to the current AST) and have rewritten the math parser alone 6 times with no luck.

Side note: Is it just me, or did anyone else not see getPrecedence be used at all?


Glad to hear and whoops you’re right! getPrecedence doesn’t actually apply in this tutorial but if you ever add the unary - or + operator you’ll need it to preprocess. Thanks for pointing it out it should be fixed now.

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