Creating a New, Public Server from a Script

Hello all, this is my first post on the devforum, so here we go.

I am attempting to make a system that “locks” a server by teleporting anyone who joins it to an “unlocked” server. My main problem, is that if there is only one server and it’s locked, or if all the other servers are full, I have nowhere to teleport the players to. What I would like to know is if there is a way to ‘open’ a new public server to teleport the them to. I know how to open a “Reserved” server, but unfortunately that isn’t public, so people can’t join it through the play button on the website.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Honestly, I think that’s where universe scripts come in play later. We’re expecting it in the 4th quarter of the year: Roblox Creator Roadmap

Don’t know if it works, but I do believe that universe scripts could have the capabilities to manage servers.


I am currently using the ReserveServer method, and that’s where my problem comes in. As stated above, I am trying to find a way to “open”/create a new public server if all others are full, so anyone can join it if they press the play button on the website.
I will agree with you on the universe scripts. Once they add them, things like this would probably be super easy.

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You can’t do this right now. Server creation and handling is done internally and there is no publicly exposed APIs for accomplishing this.

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