Creating a predictable block placement system

Hi Developers,

I am currently trying to make a predictable block placement system.
I tried finding tutorials on youtube and I found this video:

What I specially dont understand is that he says at the end of the video “we create a hidden cylinder attached to a player and when players mouse hovers over the cylinder we find the closest potentional place to place a block” something like that.

Is there anyone that can tell me what he means by that?
Even better to actually explain me how to do it.

I have a block placement system already done by me but I just dont know how to make it predictable
So I found this on youtube.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

There is a cylinder that is under the player that seems to only update when the player wants to place a block. The cylinder is locked to a grid. I assume they just raycast from the mouse and if the ray hits the cylinder, they then check the distances from available spaces.

Not sure on how they get a list of available spots to place a block.

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I havent noticed that cylinder,thanks.I may think that they made like fake spots in every direction and they find a closest “fake block” after they find it the preview position will be set to that block.These are just my thoughts.

Let me know what you think

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