Creating a ridged attachment between to objects (like a weld) but with 1 end being able to rotate

Greetings, im developing a ball rolling system. I need to find out (like the title says) how to make a ridget attachment and a freely royayiong one on another for a ball roll script.

Or if this isnt possible if there is a way to rotate a part on the end of a weld (i can figure out how it needs to rotate and that)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Constraints may be what you’re looking for. Instead of welding parts to parts, Constraints connect attachments to attachments. Ball and Socket might be what you need.

Example: using a Ball in Socket the “Big Box” is holding the “Transparent Plate” up in mid-air, but the plate is still able to spin freely.

Ill test this out prolly tmr but ty!