Creating a UGC Hat! - Blender 2.8 Tutorial

Hold on, let me bookmark this real quick.


LOL, good to see that the tutorial is coming in handy :slight_smile:


Man, I have to bookmark this as well. :smile:

Love this tutorial.


Nice tutorial! Although I recommend adding keyboard shortcuts for the loop cuts (Crtl + R) and the subdivision (Ctrl + 3).


That’s a good idea, but I tried to refrain from showing the shortcuts, as they vary through Blender versions and other programs! Thanks for the feedback though :+1:


Decent tutorial, I’d definitely recommend seaming your geometry and unwrapping it manually (press “U” in edit mode for this menu) to get the best texture results. Additionally, compressing the texture to 256 pixels is what I usually do in Photoshop.

I’d also recommend adding something to explain adding reference images in the newest version of Blender (shift+a then adding reference images).

A separate explanation of rendering in it’s own tutorial for the newest version of blender would be good to help users who are new to blender.

I’ve got some popular tutorials on my YouTube channel which are fairly outdated but you can still get an understanding of some basics Blender functionality:


Thanks for the support and reply man! Unwrapping manually isn’t needed in this case, as texture painting paints on the UVs, therefore seams won’t be visible :slight_smile:
But yes, manually UV unwrapping is a good practice when applying textures!
Compressing the textures is also a good idea but I wanted to keep this tutorial simple, Roblox Studio automatically compresses the textures anyway to 420x420.

Overall thanks for the feedback! I’ll take all this advice into consideration and perhaps I could merge it into another tutorial!


Pretty good tutorial, it can probably help some people get into blender.

Kinda off topic, but shouldn’t it just be called just a mask, not a Coronavirus or a Covid-19 mask?


Yeah it could be, but mask is pretty vague and can refer to many things like a ski mask for example :man_shrugging:


This tutorial is really unique in the fact that you are indulging in every single aspect of the assets creation, whether it be modifiers, UV mapping, or texturing.

As a user of Autodesk 3DS Max, I can still follow along with this tutorial and get the gist of most everything, because everything you touched on is more or less included in every 3D modeling program! Very nice work.


an excellent tutorial is very complete I understood 100% :+1:


Is the actual hat on sale?


I think you should send a request to Roblox mail and they would approve it as a item in the catalog

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I don’t think there’s need to have premium and you can see that on this user @hornsword
And I don’t think that anyone have shown how they upload items to Roblox so no there’s no legit video shown how they upload it.

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No problem,
Follow this steps
Also I don’t think this user is a member of devfourm but you can search on him and you will find his user
In addition of that I’m Arabic too and nice to meet you(:


No, only the few people who are in the UGC program can add hats to the catalog. It’s not available publicly yet, it’s still in beta and only those people (around 20-30?) are in the beta.

Please do not send UGC-related stuff to the support email, this is a waste of time (that’s not how UGC works) and you’ll cause delays for other people who actually need support.


I don’t even know why I’m looking at this, I’m not even in the UGC program.


Oh sorry about that,
And thank you for telling me and I agree with you in that (:

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I got a question, can you upload your own hat to your game as a personal item?

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I don’t know what you mean. You can upload meshes to your game so you can use them in your game, sure. You control what happens in your game.