Hello, I am trying to create a wall in the middle of a court that acts as a barrier to a specific team of players. How would I go about making a wall that when a projectile is thrown at it, it will go through the wall but will not allow players to go through? This is kind of hard to explain so I will add some screenshots
So here is a screenshot of a test court, so notice how there are two sides a red side and blue side. And the middle has two walls that I set slightly transparent so you can see everything better. So the team on the left side (red team) I want to be able to go to the first transparent wall closest to them, and the team on the right side (blue team) I want to go through was first transparent wall also closest to them, but get stopped at the next wall. I also want it so projectiles can go through both of these walls, how would I go about doing this. If you need me to clarify something just ask it was kind of hard to explain lol.Alright my baseline idea is to use LocalScripts that should make it Client side only, Is that what your going for?
For example:
(local) (round started for example telling the client to open the door)
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService:FireServer("Red", "Open")
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService.OnServerEvent(player, door, status)
if door == “Red” and status == “Open” then
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient:FireClient(“Red”, “Open”)
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient.OnClientEvent(door, status)
if status == “Open” and door == “Red” then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“RedDoor”).Transparency = 1
elseif status == “Close” and door == “Red” then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“RedDoor”).Transparency = 0.5
That sounds like a pretty good idea so only the player can walk through it, so how exactly would I do this? Would I just get the players team and if the players team is red or blue then make a certain wall can collide?
I’d suggest reading up on the PhysicsService documentation to create collision groups:
Physics Service Documentation
Using collision groups, you can make it so only specific players or objects can travel through objects in a collision group.
(local) (round started for example telling the client to open the door)
local function checkteam()
local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if p.Team == game.Teams.Blue then
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService:FireServer("Blue", "Open")
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService:FireServer("Red", "Close")
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService:FireServer("Blue", "Close")
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService:FireServer("Red", "Open")
while wait(0.5) do
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorService.OnServerEvent(player, door, status)
if door == “Red” and status == “Open” then
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient:FireClient(“Red”, “Open”)
elseif door == “Red” and status == “Close” then
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient:FireClient(“Red”, “Close”)
elseif door == “Blue” and status == “Open” then
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient:FireClient(“Blue”, “Open”)
elseif door == “Blue” and status == “Close” then
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient:FireClient(“Blue”, “Close”)
game.ReplicatedStorage.DoorClient.OnClientEvent(door, status)
if status == “Open” and door == “Red” then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“RedDoor”).Transparency = 1
elseif status == “Close” and door == “Red” then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“RedDoor”).Transparency = 0.5
elseif status == “Open” and door == “Blue” then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“BlueDoor”).Transparency = 1
elseif status == “Close” and door == “Blue” then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(“BlueDoor”).Transparency = 0.5
ps I wrote this out of studio mat be some bugs in it, most likely not.
You can use PhysicsService:
local PS = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local Character = script.Parent
local function Collisions(Part)
if Part:IsA("BasePart") then
PS:SetPartCollisionGroup(Part, "Team1")
for i, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
local PS = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
PS:CollisionGroupSetCollidable("PassThrough", "Team1", false)
local Part = --the part that only specific people go through
PS:SetPartCollisionGroup(Part, "Team1")
Basically what this does is it makes specific parts go through each other
I will look into this, it seems like a great idea! And thanks everybody for the suggestions.