Creating a web browser. Part 1: What you need and the basics

:warning: I no longer want to continue this tutorial, if you want the web browser here it is: web browser.rbxl (66.5 KB)

Before we start I want to say you might thinking “TOS RULE BREAKER” or something like that but its gonna be UGC html and filters.

  • You think this is okay.
  • You think this is TOS breaking still.

0 voters

What you need to start:

  • Html parser

  • Script handler

Why a html parser?

Because it turns our html to tables which we can read from.

HTML PARSER by blokav:

--Credit to blokav
function removeWhiteSpace(source)
	local newText = ""
	local char, before, after
	for i = 1, #source do
		char = string.sub(source, i, i)
		if (char == "\\" and (string.sub(source, i - 1, i - 1) == "<" or string.sub(source, i + 1, i + 1) == "/")) then
			newText = newText..char
	source = newText
	newText = ""
	for i = 1, #source do
		char = string.sub(source, i, i)
		--if (char == " " or char == "\n" or char == "	") then
		if (whitespace(char)) then
			before = string.sub(source, i - 1, i - 1)
			after = string.sub(source, i + 1, i + 1)
			--if (not (before == ">" or before == " " or before == "\n" or before == "	" or after == "<" or after == " " or after == "\n" or after == "	")) then
			if (not (whitespace(before) or whitespace(after) or before == ">" or after == "<")) then
				newText = newText..char
			newText = newText..char
	return newText

function setUp(source1)
	local source = removeWhiteSpace(source1)
	local segments = {}
	local start = 1
	local scan = false
	local char, word, x, y
	for i = 1, #source do
		char = string.sub(source, i, i)
		if (not scan) then
			if (char == "<") then
				scan = true
				if (start ~= i) then
					word = string.sub(source, start, i - 1)
					while (string.find(word, "&nbsp", 1, true)) do
						x, y = string.find(word, "&nbsp", 1, true)
						word = string.sub(word, 1, x - 1).." "..string.sub(word, y + 1)
					table.insert(segments, word)
				start = i
			if (char == ">") then
				scan = false
				table.insert(segments, string.lower(string.sub(source, start, i)))
				start = i + 1
	return segments

local tags = {
	["a"] = true,
	["abbr"] = true,
	["address"] = true,
	["article"] = true,
	["aside"] = true,
	["audio"] = true,
	["b"] = true,
	["bdi"] = true,
	["bdo"] = true,
	["blockquote"] = true,
	["body"] = true,
	["button"] = true,
	["canvas"] = true,
	["caption"] = true,
	["cite"] = true,
	["code"] = true,
	["colgroup"] = true,
	["data"] = true,
	["datalist"] = true,
	["dd"] = true,
	["del"] = true,
	["details"] = true,
	["dfn"] = true,
	["dialog"] = true,
	["div"] = true,
	["dl"] = true,
	["dt"] = true,
	["em"] = true,
	["fieldset"] = true,
	["figcaption"] = true,
	["figure"] = true,
	["font"] = true,
	["footer"] = true,
	["form"] = true,
	["frame"] = true,
	["h1"] = true,
	["h2"] = true,
	["h3"] = true,
	["h4"] = true,
	["h5"] = true,
	["h6"] = true,
	["head"] = true,
	["header"] = true,
	["html"] = true,
	["i"] = true,
	["iframe"] = true,
	["ins"] = true,
	["kbd"] = true,
	["label"] = true,
	["legend"] = true,
	["li"] = true,
	["main"] = true,
	["map"] = true,
	["mark"] = true,
	["meter"] = true,
	["nav"] = true,
	["noscript"] = true,
	["object"] = true,
	["ol"] = true,
	["optgroup"] = true,
	["option"] = true,
	["output"] = true,
	["p"] = true,
	["picture"] = true,
	["pre"] = true,
	["progress"] = true,
	["q"] = true,
	["rt"] = true,
	["ruby"] = true,
	["s"] = true,
	["samp"] = true,
	["script"] = true,
	["section"] = true,
	["select"] = true,
	["small"] = true,
	["span"] = true,
	["strong"] = true,
	["style"] = true,
	["sub"] = true,
	["summary"] = true,
	["sup"] = true,
	["svg"] = true,
	["table"] = true,
	["tbody"] = true,
	["td"] = true,
	["template"] = true,
	["textarea"] = true,
	["tfoot"] = true,
	["th"] = true,
	["thead"] = true,
	["time"] = true,
	["title"] = true,
	["tr"] = true,
	["u"] = true,
	["ul"] = true,
	["var"] = true,
	["video"] = true,
	["nobr"] = true,
	["center"] = true,
	["ahref"] = true,

local singletons = {
	["meta"] = true,
	["link"] = true,
	["br"] = true,
	["hr"] = true,
	["base"] = true,
	["area"] = true,
	["col"] = true,
	["command"] = true,
	["embed"] = true,
	["img"] = true,
	["input"] = true,
	["keygen"] = true,
	["param"] = true,
	["source"] = true,
	["track"] = true,
	["wbr"] = true
function isSingleton(tag)
	return singletons[tag] and true or false

function isTag(segment)
	local b = (string.sub(segment, 1, 1) == "<" and string.sub(segment, #segment) == ">" and string.sub(segment, 1, 2) ~= "<!")
	if (not b) then
		return false
	local test
	for tag, _ in pairs(tags) do
		test = string.sub(segment, 1, 2 + #tag)
		if (test == "<"..tag..">" or test == "<"..tag.." ") then
			return true
		test = string.sub(segment, 1, 3 + #tag)
		if (test == "</"..tag..">") then
			return true
	for tag, _ in pairs(singletons) do
		test = string.sub(segment, 1, 2 + #tag)
		if (test == "<"..tag..">" or test == "<"..tag.." ") then
			return true
	return false

function whitespace(char)
	local b = string.byte(char)
	return (b == 9 or b == 10 or b == 32)

	<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon/snake.ico">

		type = "link",
		close = false,
		attr = {
			rel = "shortcut icon",
			type = "image/x-icon",
			href = "favicon/snake.ico"
		content = {}
function getTagInfo(tag)
	local info = {
		["attr"] = {},
		["content"] = {},
		["fulltext"] = tag
	if (string.sub(tag, 1, 2) == "</") then
		info["close"] = true
		local char
		for i = 3, #tag do
			char = string.sub(tag, i, i)
			--if (char == " " or char == ">") then
			if (whitespace(char) or char == ">") then
				info["type"] = string.sub(tag, 3, i - 1)
		info["close"] = false
		local char, found, status, name, mark
		for i = 2, #tag do
			char = string.sub(tag, i, i)
			if (not found) then
				--if (char == " " or char == ">") then
				if (whitespace(char) or char == ">") then
					found = true
					status = "name"
					name = ""
					info["type"] = string.sub(tag, 2, i - 1)
				if (status == "name") then
					if (char == "=") then
						status = "value1"
					--elseif (char ~= " ") then
					elseif (not whitespace(char)) then
						name = name..char
				elseif (status == "value1") then
					if (char == '"') then
						status = "value2"
						mark = i
					elseif (char == "'") then
						status = "value3"
						mark = i
				elseif (status == "value2") then
					if (char == '"') then
						info["attr"][name] = string.sub(tag, mark + 1, i - 1)
						status = "name"
						name = ""
				elseif (status == "value3") then
					if (char == "'") then
						info["attr"][name] = string.sub(tag, mark + 1, i - 1)
						status = "name"
						name = ""
	return info

function pad(number, max)
	local digits = #tostring(max)
	local len = #tostring(number)
	return string.rep("0", digits - len)..number

function parse(folder, ugh)
	local content = {}
	local stuff = folder:GetChildren()
	table.sort(stuff, (function(a, b)
		return (a.Name < b.Name)
	local segment, element
	for i, v in pairs(stuff) do
		segment = string.sub(v.Name, ugh + 1)
		if (not isTag(segment)) then
			content[i] = segment
			element = getTagInfo(segment)
			element["close"] = nil
			element["content"] = parse(v, ugh)
			content[i] = element
	return content

function buildDocument(segments)
	local document = {
		["status"] = false,
		["elements"] = {}
	local folder ="Folder")
	folder.Parent = script
	local location = folder
	local segment, element, object
	for i = 1, #segments do
		segment = segments[i]
		if (not isTag(segment)) then
			object ="StringValue")
			object.Name = pad(i, #segments).."text"
			object.Value = segment
			object.Parent = location
			element = getTagInfo(segment)
			--print(getTagInfo(string.sub(location.Name, #tostring(#segments) + 1))["type"])
			if (element["close"]) then
				if (element["type"] == getTagInfo(string.sub(location.Name, #tostring(#segments) + 1))["type"]) then
					location = location.Parent
					if (location.Parent == folder.Parent) then
				object ="Folder")
				object.Name = pad(i, #segments)..segment
				object.Parent = location
				if (not isSingleton(element["type"])) then
					location = object
	document.elements = parse(folder, #tostring(#segments))
	return document

function getContext(tag)
	local split = tag:split(" ")
	local tagsT = {}
	for index,v in pairs(split) do
		if index == #split then
			v = v:sub(1,#v-1)
		if not tags[v] then
			if v:find("=") then
				local sub = v:find("=")
				v = v:sub(1, sub - 1)
				tagsT[v] = v
	return tagsT

local t = {}

function t.Parse(file)
	local segments = setUp(file)
	local tab = {}
	for _,v in pairs(segments) do
		table.insert(tab,{(isTag(v) and getTagInfo(v)["type"] or "text"), v, getContext(v)})
	return tab

--local document = buildDocument(segments)
--function recurse(list, level)
--	if (type(list) == "table") then
--		for i,v in pairs(list) do
--			print(string.rep("	",level)..i)
--			recurse(v, level + 1)
--		end
--	else
--		print(string.rep("	",level)..tostring(list))
--	end

return t

The basics

If you got “What you need” part done then you follow this part.

Put the HTML Parser in the Script Handler.


Ok in the type in this code:

local file = [[<html><head>
    <title>Example Domain</title>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        background-color: #f0f0f2;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    div {
        width: 600px;
        margin: 5em auto;
        padding: 2em;
        background-color: #fdfdff;
        border-radius: 0.5em;
        box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.02);
    a:link, a:visited {
        color: #38488f;
        text-decoration: none;
    @media (max-width: 700px) {
        div {
            margin: 0 auto;
            width: auto;

    <h1>Example Domain</h1>
    <p>This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this
    domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p>
    <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>

local Parser = require(script:WaitForChild("parser"))
local parsedTable = Parser.Parse(file) --Returns a big table of contexts from the tag

for index, tag in pairs(parsedTable) do --Loops in the big table
    print(tag) --Prints the table

What this does this do? File means the html code then we require the parser and parse the html to return a table then we loop it to get the tag contexts.

Now open the tag table in the output.


Now you know the basics and you should understand whats in the tag table.

Next part we are gonna create a GUI based editor(In part 3) and make the html show on the screen.(Part 2)


Thanks for the feedback! (fgrfrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

No, this belongs to community tutorials It’s a tutorial not a resource.

1 Like

I think this could go both ways; for example, if you fetch the HTML of a site that includes information on Alcohol and 18+ Topics and don’t filter the HTML or anything, you could potentially be in trouble. Then again, you could use it for safe sites, but we are always the one who exploits stuff like this.

Also, somewhere, HTML in Roblox is not meant to be used. How will you be loading the functionality scripts? The external Images, so there isn’t any point in doing this to make a so-called “web browser” on Roblox. Sure it would be cool, but it’s entirely useless.

I don’t want to get into a topic I don’t fully yet understand (Roblox HTML stuff and such) but please at the bare minimum give people an idea of what each line or important lines in the code do instead of telling them to copy and paste code, instead explain the code because this helps people learn how to script and understand what they’re mindlessly copying into Studio, other than that, I think a Roblox web browser is an interesting concept, but imo it has a lot of flaws, but again I don’t wanna get into a topic I don’t fully yet understand.

Oh really?

Heres the quote (gfhjjfvgjrfswdhbgnd)

So your solution to that is to extract each pixel. If you are making a “web browser,” it shouldn’t take 20 years to load since loading 3rd-party images like that are resource intensive. It can also potentially go under breaking the ToS since Roblox doesn’t want you importing 3-party images, and that’s why they only allow RBX links.

From gameboy emulator v2:

ui.image:load_image("logo", "")
ui.image:load_image("dango", "")
ui.image:load_image("palette_chooser", "")
ui.image:load_image("round_button", "")
ui.image:load_image("pill_button", "")
ui.image:load_image("d_pad", "")
ui.image:load_image("folder", "")
ui.image:load_image("font", "")
1 Like

cool, can i get some info on how you make it a GUI? do you have like an html to gui interpreter because if so thats really impressive

Yes I do but do not make this a game on roblox only an local file. Also there is no filtering.
web browser.rbxl (66.5 KB)

Thank you, this will be perfect for my upcoming Microsoft edge browser inside my windows OS simulation! Could you please go into some more explanation of the parser, image renderer, etc? I am very excited and intrigued by this creation! Would it still be TOS-breaking if I filtered the text?