I’m currently working on a medieval game where the player has the option of creating their own Empire and inviting others. I’ve been struggling for a few days to make something representative to the party system in Imperium but haven’t found a solution that works. Ideally, the owner or “King” would have the option of inviting/kicking members within the empire as well as assigning them pay (which I’m able to handle). Any help/tips would be appreciated!
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This has been asked before.
@XxELECTROFUSIONxX wrote an amazing and in-depth reply in this post by @Math_Solvers.
Of course you’re going to want to adapt the code to your needs, however, it’s a great base. Good luck!
(Post #5)
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It is pretty simple, if you can either store the players within a datastore and then you also save ranks and such. Obviously you will need UIs but the idea is that you just insert player names as arrays into a table.
You can also try to use collection service if that suits your needs better. I’d use this by itself if the party only lasts for the time of playing (doesn’t save)
Thanks for the help and resources, I’ll keep trying!