Creating an unkown sword slash effect

--define tweening stuff (like rotation, and adding size form original size)

--clone effect from replicated storage
--play tween here

--another script is inside the decal, that changed decal transparency

I cant show the full script sorry, but this is basically how my script works


I think I know-how; my thought is they use an expanded mesh and then puts a texture on it and then use the sprite sheet technique on the texture to make it vanish in the end by using rotation and sizing effects on the “expanded mesh,” which is simple by using tweening or lerping.

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walmart version


I tried making a spritesheet, and it doesnt work for some reason, I don’t think using a spritesheet works, it just cuts the decal off the squished sphere, is there a way to fix that?


Also for the continuation of this, I replaced the decal with a texture, so I would be able to use a spritesheet, but the script is still inside the texture.

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heres how it looks like :
for the disappearing effect i dont add it because u didnt place it very right
new link (transparent background) :

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oh i meant if i placed it on a sqished sphere part, the texture would act weird

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I have been able to get a working version of the slash effect, but I’m wondering if anyone knows how to properly make the slash sprite sheet? Mine looks pretty ugly.

I heard you can use the unity particle system and then capture an image each frame to get one that looks realistic but I think there should be a better way.

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So are you saying instead of spritesheets, the only way to do this effect is to change the decal id per frame (or delay)?

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oh yeah, how i made mine was drawing a bunch of slash effect decals, and using this:

then i tried putting it as a texture to make it properly work, which went wrong for me


How did you draw them, you are a crazy artist lol

A little late reply but thank you, just got back into this now.

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I followed a tutorial in devforum, but it took me almost 2 days to make, xd. It was pain, but I did find some free mesh that was better than my drawing, so I went with that. Which another problem that occurred to me was now I can’t animate the actual texture of the mesh

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I think I found a way, will get back to you. If you put a cool blob circle on a flattened sphere it stretches the blob to a slash effect. Then just make a blob and decimate it.

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Alright for those of you reading this topic, SingleSided and I talked in DMs about it, and here is how you make it:

Make a slash effect in unity
Export as images
Import the images to roblox
put decals into sphere

this above is all we know so far


Made this:

Might make a tutorial on it if my friend gives me permission.

Essentially made in Unity and screenshotted into roblox with decals. I have a spritesheet and loop through 50 of them. I know there are better methods available but this is the one I found for those looking. I even achieved better results than this in some other ones! Good luck everyone!


Can you ask for permission to make a tutorial?

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Honestly I’ll go ahead and make one soon - not a fan of withholding information from people. Will upload to youtube in a couple weeks.


Still stuck :sweat_smile: could you post it here when it is done?

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Bruh… there you go people!
greenslash_1.rbxl (37.2 KB)


Thanks! When i was trying to figure it out with single sided, I just ended up getting stuck on the first step, (Unity & Blender) lol

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