Creating Animals In Blender

Hi! Recently I have been trying to model animals and monsters for my game. I have become decent at blender in a relatively small amount of time. I have created so far, swords, character, and furniture, but I can’t seem to grasp the concept of making animals. Any help is appreciated!

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Have you tried the loop and cut method?
You take a plane and your reference images and drag the vertices over the body.

Also could you send me screenshots of your attempts at making animals just to see what you might be getting wrong?

Yeah that’s the method I see in all the yt vids. I can do it but in the end it just needs to be touched up and shape needs to be added, but I can’t figure out how.
Here is my most recent try

(it’s all in squares because I used a voxel remesh so I could sculpt)

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Can you show me a screenshot that isn’t in wireframe?

Sure here

P.S. this is a recovery file so don’t mind the bad sculpting I got frustrated and spammed it xD

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That is an adorable rabbit :flushed:
The lop and cut method was hard for me at first, but it’s easier once you get used to it.
You went over the rabbit pretty well, wait im going to send some screenshots so it’s easier

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First you want to get set up
Go to where the red is circled and drag it so you get a second view (sorry if you already know this, just stating if you don’t)

Then do your animal and add the mirror modifier

Select all vertices and extrude, then extrude again for the legs

do ctrl r and add a loop cut, then change it to 3 loop cuts

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I suggest actually not adding the legs yet at this point

Give one window a birds eye view, and the other a side view
You can switch between looking at it from the back and front, then looking at it from the front
Do alt to select one line of vertices
and shift alt for multiple

sorry for the many replies i’ll edit them into a big one
alt forgot, on the mirror modifier select clipping so it isn’t weird
After that, mess around with the dimensions and stuff, then add legs and whatever else and do the same
After you get the basic shapes do subdivision surface and other stuff if you want to sculpt


Try to lessen the poly count… Also set your camera to 2D when you model it.

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