Creating attachments along part

so i’m trying to create a nice and accurate hitbox using @TeamSwordphin 's raycast hitbox module
and i’m having some issues. i want to be able to have multiple attachments so that i can have multiple rays, but have no idea of how to do so… heres my diagram

in the diagram, it creates attachments along the part which will be someones arm / leg in my case, and also; i’m thinking maybe a number variable of how many attachments. no attachments get created by the module, the module simply creates rays to follow attachments. i haven’t tried scripting this because i simply cannot wrap my head around it after 2 hours of researching and thinking.

We need a bit more information, like how many Attachments do you require, how many are being created by that module (if any), do you get any error messages when testing & any other pieces of info that can help us help you.

editted my post to help answer your questions :grin:

So the module just creates Rays from the source (your arm for instance) to an Attachment?
Have you read the Raycasting tutorials? I just started with Rays a few days ago as well and they helped me out:

nono, it dosent use actual rays i dont think the way the module works is it looks for attachments named “DmgPoint” inside the part you tell it to, then it creates like part trails to follow it, and when those part trails are touched it will do damage