Creating GFX, Thumbnails

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? A nice, smooth GFX

  2. What is the issue? I cannot download applications on my computer

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have tooken roblox studio screenshots and put them into a IOS app called “PicsArt” and editted

Anyways, I am wondering if there are any good apps for phones or some websites for computers that can help me improve my GFX


I am looking for criticism and any help as to what I can do to improve this without downloading stuff on my MacBook (By the way for these i used PicsArt and Apple’s photo’s)


I can see you make a good “GFX” but you can put some shadow and also sun rays to make it look cool and also look fresh. not only look cool it also makes a lot of people attracted to your “GFX”. I hope you have a fantastic day if you want to reply to this I love to see it and read it!

It may be a bit difficult to create the appearance of “smooth” graphics while using Roblox Studio in place of an actual rendering engine like Blender or Cinema 4D, but some photo-manipulation could help!

After using Photoshop and coming across similar photo editing applications, I’ve found that Pixlr is a great and free browser version of Photoshop! No downloading required. You’ll find it has nearly all of the features Photoshop does while being able to give you editing tools like PicsArt and more!

You’re on the right path to creating great graphics! Keep it up! :clap:

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Okay, thanks for your quick response and compliments @0Skyz and @RISING_ROBLOX
I will definitely look into Pixlr, thank you for your feedback!!


Much respect for not using any application. Looks good!

Making GFX models without blender isnt impossible but your quality will decrease.
If you dont want to download any websites then i recommend searching up Photopea which is basically an online version of Photo Shop. Using this program you can create multiple lighting layers to make some realistic shade effect.


Haha, thanks also, @Coloris_m , 0Skyz told me about Pixlr and I am messing with it but I’ll try that out too!