I haven’t quite seen anyone try this, So looking for useful resources on how to accomplish/fix this are scarce.
Tl;dr, I’m trying to create a module that creates GUI components on the fly. I have an idea of how it should work, I’m just trying to piece things together. This is what I currently have.
local GUICreator = {}
function GUICreator.new(player,Type,Parent)
local self = setmetatable({}, GUICreator)
self.player = player
local frameData = {
frame = function(Type,Parent) Instance.new(Type,Parent) end
return self
function GUICreator:Build(Type,Parent)
return GUICreator
If I have this setup correctly, I should be able to just call the build function wherever I need it. In another script that handles the GUI building (which is why im making this in the first place) I’m trying to do this.
local p = game.StarterGui.Backpack.BackpackUI.MainFrame
This is the module in the most basic form, doing ^ will create a frame and place it at the specified parent. On line 14 I get this error
Attempt to index nil with 'frame'
For all I know, I could have this setup completely wrong, this is my first crack at messing with metatables so hopefully I started this off a little right.
So Its because I’m never calling GUIModule.new() anywhere hahaha. I’m not sure what the proper was is though because even when I predefine the variables, i still get an error. My error is ‘Attempt to call a nil value’
Ideally, I wouldnt like to have these predefined.I’m trying to achieve what i had mentioned above.
Does it say where the nil value error is coming from?
Is it from the self.frameData.frame in gui:Build()?
If it is, your problem is you aren’t making the module an object, so it isn’t actually associating :Build() with your GUIModule.
local GUICreator = {}
GUICreator.__index = GUICreator
-- ... rest of code
Also, you shouldn’t use the parent parameter of Instance.new() and you aren’t storing this object anywhere!
function GUICreator.new(player,Type,Parent)
local self = setmetatable({}, GUICreator)
self.player = player
self.frameData = {
frame = function(Type,Parent)
self._object = Instance.new(Type) --Parenting straight out of Instance.new can cause performance issues.
self._object.Parent = Parent
return self