Creating new places with data

Hey there scripters.

I’m trying to make a system where you start in a lobby spawn and select a level of difficulty. The group then gets transported to another place in the game (it’s premade so I don’t need to create a new one) that will then spawn in the map with the difficulty settings.

I don’t know how to transmit the data of difficulty without using some kind of datastore. I was hoping someone had an idea on how to go about this? :slight_smile:

Thanks and merry Xmas Eve,


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maybe you were searching for this article

Is there a way to make the data available for the server not the client?

Make a version of the server for each difficulty and then teleport them to that version.

So if they have it on “Easy”, you teleport them to an easy version of the map.

Thank you to you both for the swift replies

Would that not be a lot of excessive copy/pasting? My apologies for not being particularly well versed with creating universes / games.

I want the client to select a difficulty and also a level to play. I want the new place to receive that data and construct the level from the data with mobs having the appropriate level of difficulty to it.

My instincts are telling me there is a way to do it which would work like such:

  1. Server teleports all users into the new place
  2. New place receives players and data from previous place.
  3. New place can load in the appropriate level & diffuclty from the data received
  4. Success!

Is this possible within the engine atm?

You can use teleport data for this. This doesn’t sound like data that needs to be secure either which simplifies things aswell. Check out

Also if you need the data on the server you can use Player:GetJoinData


You could try using TeleportService:SetTeleportSetting and TeleportService:GetTeleportSetting

Yes, ReserveServer gives you the PrivateServerId which can be used as a datastore key where you can save the difficulty.


Ahh, thank you. This does seem like quite the interesting workaround!