I’ve been having this problem for the past week, and it’s really starting to annoy me and I can’t figure out what’s going on. This is a bug. NO! I cannot create a repro, I’ve tried, it won’t work.
You can see from these screenshots that I have 1 billboard gui and 1 textlabel, yet 2 appear.
Can see text == ‘New’ now if I change that text
It overlays the text. So there’s a second TextLabel that isn’t visible in the workspace. i don’t know if this has something to do with how billboard guis are rendered.
And now if I delete the billboard gui with the different text inside it, it removes the ‘New’ textlabel
I don’t know how to create a repro of this. I’ve tried copying my scripts to a seperate file, they work fine there, but not in this place. Is there a setting I might have ticked causing this? Asset load times causing problems, I don’t know
Here’s a video to hopefully show it off a bit better
Can see that deleting the Billboard Gui with the text label saying ‘Another name test’ ended up deleting the original, non existent, text label, and the ‘Another name test’ label is still there, even tho it’s been deleted
Another video showing me deleting the textlabel, yet a textlabel still being visible. The billboardgui clearly shows now children. Then when I delete the BillboardGui, the label disappears on screen.
So somewhere, somehow, an invisible TextLabel is being created and parented somewhere