Hello everyone, Im trying to figure out how this domain expansion was done in this video
As you can see theres a silhouette behind the person and in that silhouette theres a different world
How can I do this? Is it a glass part? A cutout particle emitter? any help is appriciated
It’s a edit, it isn’t actually real, unless that is from a selected game and not just a video, its editing effects, this can be done by using parts, and many effects utilizing ParticleEmitters and Beams for an equivalent effect.
Certainly can also do it with Viewports, Possibly.
Something more possible, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAzPZ6-dJvA which utilizes many spherical objects to build the surround so its all neon-white, and then clientsidedly changing the sky to a galaxy with many beams surrounding that can be either created fresh, or pulled out of a storage folder.