Hi there! So I have created this puzzle thingy that is a replica of the puzzle game Untangled, where there are a bunch of randomly generated points and lines, which you have to move so that each line is no longer touching another. Here is a video of what I have made so far:
Sorry, the file is pretty big so I uploaded it on twitter. let me know if you can’t see it.
Here is a quick gyazo gif if you can’t see the above:
So my current system is capable of generating random lines, but it is not capable of calculating whether it is solveable, and how to solve it. It also can’t detect when a puzzle has been solved. So this question should be split into 3 smaller parts:
How to calculate whether a puzzle is solvable.
How can a script solve it. (Would be nice to have, but not neccesary)
How can it check for a completed puzzle
So while doing some research, I found out that the untangle puzzle uses something called planar graphs in plotting each point and caluclating how many lines to come off it. I still don’t exactly understand how it works however, and I am not sure whether something like this could be accomplished on roblox. (Hopefully it can, I’ve already spend a good chunk of time working on what I have so far lol)
Here is my script so far that generates the lines:
local MaxConnections = 4
local function LoadLines()
for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Frame") then
if v.Name ~= "Ignore" then
local connections = v.Folder
local Possible = true
local tries = 0
local Maxtries = (#script.Parent:GetChildren()) - 1
if #(v.Folder:GetChildren()) < MaxConnections then
for o,p in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if p.Name ~= "Ignore" then
if p:IsA("Frame") and p ~= v then
local canconnect = true
for q,w in pairs(connections:GetChildren()) do
if w.Value == p then
canconnect = false
if #(p.Folder:GetChildren()) >= MaxConnections then
canconnect = false
if canconnect == true then
local NewObject = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
NewObject.Parent = connections
NewObject.Value = p
local NewObject2 = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
NewObject2.Parent = p.Folder
NewObject2.Value = v
local Frame = Instance.new("Frame")
Frame.Name = "Ignore"
Frame.Parent = Parent
Frame.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
local F1 = v
local F2 = p
Moveconnections[#Moveconnections+ 1] = RS.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
local XLength = F1.AbsolutePosition.X - F2.AbsolutePosition.X
local YLength = F1.AbsolutePosition.Y - F2.AbsolutePosition.Y
local Mag = (
Vector2.new(F1.AbsolutePosition.X, F1.AbsolutePosition.Y)
- Vector2.new(F2.AbsolutePosition.X, F2.AbsolutePosition.Y)
local CenterPosition = (F2.AbsolutePosition + F1.AbsolutePosition) / 2
Frame.Rotation = DivideSmaller(XLength, YLength)
Frame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(CenterPosition.X + 15, CenterPosition.Y +15)
Frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Mag.Magnitude, 1)
Possible = false
tries = tries + 1
if tries == Maxtries then
Possible = false
until #connections:GetChildren() == MaxConnections or Possible == false
Sorry if it is a bit messy
But as you can see, it currently uses folders to see how many connections it currently has. So I want to know if there is a way to calculate everything all at once.
I appreciate any answers