Creating Realistic Object Reflection

Hi it’s me Fox and what I’m about to show you is how to create a realistic object reflection
on the part’s surface.This is tutorial is for you if your making a small/medium showcase and want to reflect something. I highly recommend to use this when your making a showcase and not a full on massive detailed map because it’s gonna require a good pc to handle those.

Here’s an example of a Lamborghini Aventador I reflected on the surface:

Step 1:

To start off, let’s grab a model that you want to use for this tutorial. I chose this funny
looking guy as a test subject:

Step 2:

What your going to do next is to duplicate the model, rotate it 180° and you want to make sure that the edge of the model merge each other.

Note: Some Unions/Parts are sometimes pretty annoying to rotate as it does not position it properly after rotating 180°, so I recommend using @stravant Model Reflect so you don’t’ have waste your time repositioning the reflected object. Stravant - Model Reflect - Roblox
Trying to rotate it normally:
Stravant’s Model Reflection Plugin:

Step 3:

Now select both the original model and reflected model and move it down until you can’t see the reflected model anymore. Now open your properties and change
your surface’s Transparency to 0.01- 0.9. 76381eb47290e05b22defae55890ea3e
Again Note: I recommend you use 0.1 as it looks better the most than the rest unless you have a dark texture to lay it out.

Step 4:

Now that you have you have the reflection lets focus how to make it realistic/detailed.
If your having trouble with this as you can see in the picture below, the reflection is little off because of that shadow.

That’s because your surface is too thick.

For the best result, you want it to make it as thin as possible so the shadow the does not affect the reflection.

Step 5:

Now you can add any texture you want on the surface of the part.
Note: the darker the texture the better it is to manipulate the surface’s transparency.
Surface’s 0.1 Transparency:

Surface’s 0.99 Transparency:

Another Note: If your doing it indoors I recommend you use -0.1/ -0.99 transparency for warmer looks and turn on your surface’s reflectance if you want to reflect some of that skybox indoors, just make sure that disable it if your outdoor since the skybox is already visible because of the transparency, unless your covering the skybox below surface that’s where you can turn on your reflectance. Either way, 0.1 - 0.99 reflectance looks good for indoors too.

Indoor Reflection:


Another way would be to script a viewport


Yes that’s correct, although I don’t know how to script so this is much faster for me. Hope one day we can see the day where there’s an actual reflection feature.


Wow! This is so simple, yet so helpful! Thanks for this! :smile:

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OMG, Thank so much for this tutorial

The car FM so yeah but it looks sick by the way


Yo, can you tell me how to do it with viewport?

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If you know how the mirror plugin works I’d recommend scripting it to make real-time reflections.