Creating realistic combat flight physics might seem challenging at first, but it’s defined by simple and abstract principles that are easier to implement than you might expect. After a few hundred hours of work, I created a flight physics model that takes ~1% of processing power each frame (assuming 60 fps). In this guide, I’ll walk you through the main ideas behind flight physics and give a practical example that you can use or adapt for your own projects.
The primary forces that effect the plane’s movement are thrust, drag, lift, and control surfaces(flaps, ailerons, rudder etc.).
Thrust, Drag, and Lift: These are straightforward linear forces represented with VectorForce objects.
Control Surfaces: Instead of simulating individual flaps, we use an AngularVelocity constraint to manage pitch, roll, and yaw to avoid performance overhead. With these forces ready, we can construct the flight model.
The flight model uses a “constructor” (Object Oriented Programming via Roblox tables) to create a plane object from custom-tuned performance values that developers can pass, allowing simulation of different plane types. We assume 1 stud = 1 meter and 1 Roblox Mass Unit (RMU) = 1 kg. To give the illusion of more map space, the plane is scaled down by 10x, meaning proportional changes:
- Mass is reduced by 10^3.
- Force strengths are divided by 10^3.
- Gravity is scaled down by 10(because of distance).
- Speed and altitude are multiplied by 10 to maintain the illusion and for consistent measurements
For the best performance, the flight physics is run on the client. However, to allow the client to manage the physics of the plane mesh, we need to give it NetworkOwnership. An important thing to note is that we need somewhere to store the custom plane performance profile tables and pass them to the flight model, so we store them in the server script storage, and pass them to the client along with ownership of the plane mesh. The client uses a request manager module script with remote events as children to communicate with the server:
-- Request manager script
local RequestManager = {}
local RequestOwnership = script.RequestOwnership
local OwnershipStatus = script.OwnershipStatus
local RequestProfile = script.RequestProfile
local ProfileStatus = script.ProfileStatus
-- Request network ownership
function RequestManager:requestOwnership(plane)
OwnershipStatus.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(pass) print(pass and "Ownership set" or "Failed to set ownership")end)
function RequestManager:requestProfile(plane)
local profile
local profileReceived ="BindableEvent")
RequestProfile:FireServer(plane) -- Fire server request
-- Handle profile response
local function handleProfileResponse(success, receivedProfile)
if success then
profile = receivedProfile
print("Profile received")
print("Failed to get profile")
profileReceived:Fire() -- Notify that data is ready
-- Connect the handler & wait for the profile to be received
return profile
return RequestManager
On the server’s side, we have two normal scripts to communicate with the client:
-- Ownership script
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RequestManager = RS:WaitForChild("RequestManager")
local OwnershipRequest = RequestManager:WaitForChild("RequestOwnership")
local OwnershipStatus = RequestManager:WaitForChild("OwnershipStatus")
local function setNetworkOwnership(player, plane)
if not plane or not player then return false end
local pass, message = pcall(function() plane:SetNetworkOwner(player) end) -- Set network ownership
return pass or (warn("Failed to set network ownership: " .. message) and false) -- Return success or failure
-- Handle ownership requests from clients and return whether ownership has been given
OwnershipRequest.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, plane) OwnershipStatus:FireClient(player, setNetworkOwnership(player, plane)) end)
-- Plane performance profiles script
local profiles = require(script.PlaneProfiles)
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RequestManager = RS:WaitForChild("RequestManager")
local profileRequest = RequestManager:WaitForChild("RequestProfile")
local profileStatus = RequestManager:WaitForChild("ProfileStatus")
local function handleProfileRequest(player, plane)
local profile = profiles[plane] -- Get profile using the plane
local success = profile ~= nil -- Check if profile exists
profileStatus:FireClient(player, success, profile) -- Fire client with result
Once the client has control over the plane model, we can finally apply our physics.
Variables track the plane’s local frame of reference, and the ApplyPhysics function executes three steps each frame via BindToRenderStep:
Handle Controls: Processes player inputs for pitch, roll, yaw, and throttle.
Update Physics: Calculates and applies forces like thrust, drag, and lift.
Update Camera and HUD: Updates the camera and the HUD with flight data.
function Plane:ApplyPhysics()
local function handleControls(deltaTime)
Controls.handleControls(self.flightControl, self.plane, self.stats, self.Gun, velocity, deltaTime)
local function UpdateState(deltaTime)
local function UpdateCamera(deltaTime)
PCS.updateCamera(camera, self.plane) -- Update the camera(Handles its own controls)
HUDManager.UpdateHUD(velocity, altitude, AOA, Controls.getThrottle()) -- Display info to the HUD
-- Adding 1 to update the camera after roblox's internal cam updates but before it renders(for our own plane camera)
RService:BindToRenderStep("HandleInputs", Enum.RenderPriority.First.Value, handleControls) -- #1 Handle controls
RService:BindToRenderStep("UpdatePhysics", Enum.RenderPriority.First.Value + 1, UpdateState) -- #2 Handle physics updates
RService:BindToRenderStep("UpdateCamera", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, UpdateCamera) -- #3 Handle plane cam and HUD
The second bind calls the UpdateForces function, which calculates the strength and direction of our forces:
function Plane:UpdateForces(deltaTime)
if velocity.Magnitude == 0 then velocity =,0,0.001) end -- To avoid NaN calculations
-- Calculate forces
local thrust = Physics.calculateThrust(self.stats.Thrust, Controls.getThrottle())
local drag = Physics.calculateDrag(velocity, self.stats.DragPower, altitude) * ABM * GM
local lift = Physics.calculateLift(velocity, self.stats.LiftPower, AOA)
Physics.alignVV(self.plane.AssemblyLinearVelocity, CF.LookVector, Controls.getThrottle(), self.plane, deltaTime)
-- Apply the forces
self.thrust.Force = thrust * CF.LookVector -- Thrust is applied towards the lookvector/nose
self.lift.Force = lift * CF.UpVector -- Lift is perpendicular to the wings and towards the up vector
self.drag.Force = drag * -velocity.Unit -- The Drag force is opposite to Velocity
HUDManager.UpdateHUD(velocity, drag, altitude, AOA, CF)
Using the plane’s AoA, which is the angle between the plane’s nose (look vector) and its velocity vector on the pitch axis, we can calculate our forces(Equations are simplified for performance):
function Physics.calculateThrust(Thrust, Throttle, altitude, maxAltitude)
local altitudeFactor = math.exp(-altitude/maxAltitude) -- Engine performance degrades with altitude
-- Thrust is derived by multiplying the max thrust by the throttle, with respect to the plane's altitude
return (Thrust/1000) * Throttle * altitudeFactor
function Physics.calculateLift(velocity, liftPower, AOA)
-- Lift = 0.5 * velocity^2 * liftcoefficient * liftpower(hand tuned)
-- A curve sin(3x) derives the Lift Coefficient outputting values from 1 to -1 depending on the AOA.
-- Only values from -60 to 60 aoa will output coefficiencients from -1 to 1 beyond is the stall region, where coefficient stays 0
local liftCoefficient = math.clamp(math.sin(math.rad(3 * AOA)), -60, 60)
local lift = 0.5 * velocity.Magnitude^2 * liftCoefficient * liftPower
return lift/1000
function Physics.calculateDrag(velocity, dragPower, altitude)
if velocity.Magnitude == 0 then return end -- Dont return NaN drag
-- Drag = 0.5 * velocity^2 * airdensity * dragCoefficient
-- Airbrakes and gears are added to the final drag force as extra drag values
local dragCoefficient = dragPower * velocity.Magnitude
local airDensity = 1.2 * math.exp(-altitude / 25000) -- Simplified exponential decay
local dragForce = 0.5 * velocity.Magnitude^2 * airDensity * dragCoefficient
return dragForce/1000
The rest is simple. We use a controls module that accepts inputs from the user to roll, pitch and yaw the plane. We degrade the strength of the inputs based on the plane’s speed to mimic the loss of control with loss of speed that planes in real life experience. Additionally, we can simulate post stall physics behavior when the plane drops below critical speed. Completely realistic stall behavior is not computationally feasible, so we compromise. What we do is find the direction of the shortest angle in the down direction, and pull the plane’s nose down towards that direction. We account for the plane’s roll, pitching up when its upsidedown, and pitching down when its right side up:
function Physics.handleStall(speed, stallSpeed, planeCFrame, baseAngularVelocity, pitchAngle)
-- Check stall condition: at or below stall speed and significant pitch angle
if speed <= stallSpeed and math.abs(pitchAngle) > 0 then
local stallFactor = math.clamp((stallSpeed - speed)/stallSpeed, 0, 1) -- Stall factor (0-1) based on how much we are below stallSpeed
local pitchDirection = math.sign(planeCFrame.UpVector.Y) -- Determine pitch direction (using the plane's UpVector)
local angleError = math.abs(pitchAngle) -- Calculate the error in pitch (how far we are from level)
-- Calculate a torque factor based on the pitch error (linear scaling)
local torqueFactor = angleError * 2
local minTorqueFactor = 0.05
torqueFactor = math.max(torqueFactor, minTorqueFactor)
-- Calculate the base pitch correction (in radians)
local pitchCorrection = math.rad(1) * pitchDirection * torqueFactor
-- Instead of applying the full correction, blend between the control input and the correction value so
-- This way the player can has at least some control to recover
local controlPitchVelocity = baseAngularVelocity.X
local targetPitchVelocity = controlPitchVelocity - pitchCorrection
local blendedPitchVelocity = math.lerp(controlPitchVelocity, targetPitchVelocity, stallFactor)
return, baseAngularVelocity.Y, baseAngularVelocity.Z) -- Return with pitch correction
return baseAngularVelocity -- If not stalling, just return the base angular velocity
Flight computer behavior can usually be added here to simulate things like G and AOA limiters. The way we limit the AOA or Gs the plane can utilize by decreasing input authority when approaching these limits. In my flight model, I only use an AOALimit variable to set the maximum angle of attack the plane can utilize(passed in the performance profile table), then gradually decrease pitch input authority as the AOA approaches its limit. In the end, this is the complete controls module script:
local Controls = {}
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Physics = require(script.Parent.Physics)
local FCS = script.Parent.FireControlSystem
local Gun = require(FCS.Gun)
-- State variables
local airbrakes = false
local gears = true
local GForce = 0
local throttle = 0
local CD = {
T = 0,
G = 0,
-- Handle all inputs
function Controls.handleControls(flightControl, plane, stats, gun, velocity, AOA, deltaTime)
local pitchR, rollR, yawR = plane.CFrame:toEulerAnglesYXZ()
local pitch = math.clamp(math.deg(pitchR), -90, 90)
local yaw = math.deg(yawR)
local roll = math.deg(rollR)
local rollInput = 0
local pitchInput = 0
local yawInput = 0
local axisGLimit = stats.AxisGLimit
local degToRad = math.pi/180
GForce = Physics.calculateGForce(plane.AssemblyAngularVelocity, velocity, plane.CFrame)
-- Process control inputs
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) then throttle = math.min(throttle + 0.0025, 1) end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then throttle = math.max(throttle - 0.0025, 0) end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.W) then pitchInput = -stats.TurnRate * 0.5 end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.S) then pitchInput = stats.TurnRate end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.A) then rollInput = stats.RollRate end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.D) then rollInput = -stats.RollRate end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Q) then yawInput = stats.YawRate end
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.E) then yawInput = -stats.YawRate end
if UIS:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) then Gun.handleGunFiring(plane, gun, velocity, true, deltaTime) end
local controlAuthority = Physics.DegradeControl(velocity.Magnitude * 3.6, stats.OptimalSpeed, stats.MaxSpeed)
-- Degradation control on each axis
pitchInput = pitchInput * controlAuthority
rollInput = rollInput * controlAuthority
yawInput = yawInput * controlAuthority
pitchInput = Controls.AOALimiter(pitchInput, AOA, stats.AOALimit) -- Limit the plane's max AOA
rollInput = rollInput + (yawInput * 1.75) -- Roll when the plane yaws
local baseAngularVelocity = * degToRad, yawInput * degToRad, rollInput * degToRad) -- Calculate base angular vel
-- Apply stall effect to the base angular velocity
local finalAngularVelocity = Physics.handleStall(velocity.Magnitude * 3.6, stats.StallSpeed, plane.CFrame, baseAngularVelocity, pitch)
flightControl.AngularVelocity = finalAngularVelocity
function Controls.AOALimiter(pitchInput, AOA, maxAOA)
local aoaPercentage = math.abs(AOA)/maxAOA -- Get absolute AOA and normalize it relative to max
-- For nose down input when AOA is already negative/pos, allow recovery
if (pitchInput < 0 and AOA < 0) or (pitchInput > 0 and AOA > 0) then
if aoaPercentage >= 1 then return 0 end -- If we are beyond max AOA, prevent further increase
-- Start reduction at 70% of max AOA
if aoaPercentage > 0.7 then
local normalizedProgress = (aoaPercentage - 0.7) / 0.3
local reductionFactor = normalizedProgress^2
return pitchInput * (1 - reductionFactor)
return pitchInput
function Controls.handleUtilControls(deltaTime)
for key, cooldown in pairs(CD) do CD[key] = math.max(cooldown - deltaTime, 0) end -- Update cooldowns
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.T) and CD["T"] <= 0 then
CD["T"] = 4
airbrakes = not airbrakes
print("Airbrakes activated")
if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.G) and CD["G"] <= 0 then
CD["G"] = 3
gears = not gears
print("Gears activated")
function Controls.getGears() return gears end
function Controls.getAirbrakes() return airbrakes end
function Controls.getThrottle() return throttle end
function Controls.getGForce() return GForce end
return Controls
With just a few hundred lines of code, we have already created the majority of the behavior that composes our flight model. Finally, we implement a plane camera system to follow the plane around and allow the player to control. Essentially what happens is the camera will follow the plane around and allow the player to rotate it about its pitch/yaw axes by holding v. Once the player lets go of the v key(freelook key), the camera will start snapping back to the default view angle that it follows the plane around with. Here is the implemented behavior:
local PCS = {}
local CUIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local CAMERA_DISTANCE = 2.5 -- Distance behind plane in studs
local DEFAULT_YAW, DEFAULT_PITCH = 0, -20 -- Default view angle relative to plane
local PITCH_INCREMENT, YAW_INCREMENT = 5, 5 -- Increment in angle at which it steps back to the default viewing angle
-- Initialize tracking variables to DEFAULT values
local currentYaw, currentPitch = DEFAULT_YAW, DEFAULT_PITCH
local snappingBack = false
local isFreeLook = false
local function snapToDefault()
-- Update and track the current angles during snap-back
currentPitch = currentPitch > DEFAULT_PITCH and
math.max(currentPitch - PITCH_INCREMENT, DEFAULT_PITCH) or
math.min(currentPitch + PITCH_INCREMENT, DEFAULT_PITCH)
local defaultYawWithOffset = DEFAULT_YAW + 360 * math.floor((currentYaw - DEFAULT_YAW) / 360 + 0.5)
currentYaw = currentYaw > defaultYawWithOffset and
math.max(currentYaw - YAW_INCREMENT, defaultYawWithOffset) or
math.min(currentYaw + YAW_INCREMENT, defaultYawWithOffset)
function PCS.updateCamera(camera, body)
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
CUIS.MouseIconEnabled = false
CUIS.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter
local planePos = body.CFrame.Position
local planePitch, planeYaw, _ = body.CFrame:ToOrientation()
if CUIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.V) then
if not isFreeLook then
-- Convert from local to world angles when entering freelook
currentYaw = math.deg(planeYaw) + currentYaw
currentPitch = math.deg(planePitch) + currentPitch
isFreeLook = true
snappingBack = false
local delta = CUIS:GetMouseDelta()
if delta.Magnitude > 0 then
currentYaw = currentYaw - (delta.X * 0.1)
currentPitch = math.clamp(currentPitch - (delta.Y * 0.1), -90, 90)
if isFreeLook then
-- Convert from world to local angles when exiting freelook
currentYaw = currentYaw - math.deg(planeYaw)
currentPitch = currentPitch - math.deg(planePitch)
isFreeLook = false
snappingBack = true
if snappingBack then
local rotation
if isFreeLook then
-- In freelook, use world space orientation
rotation = CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(currentPitch), math.rad(currentYaw), 0)
-- When not in freelook, make it relative to plane
rotation = CFrame.fromOrientation( planePitch + math.rad(currentPitch), planeYaw + math.rad(currentYaw), 0)
local targetCFrame = * rotation
local cameraPos = planePos - targetCFrame.LookVector * CAMERA_DISTANCE
camera.CFrame =, planePos)
return PCS
If you made it this far, and your interested in using this, ill make a new post soon where I explain how to create your own plane profiles and work with this implementation. Here is an example:
CombatFlightPhysics.rbxl (346.5 KB)