Slice scale is going to be 1 in this case.
That doesn’t matter, because it still is going to have the same result(they just want to put it in order).
The way i do mine is in my editor. (for a blank round frame) make it 500x500 and then
make a round frame. (I’m not sure how in other editors if they have this frame by default but yeah)
covering the whole canvas. i export mine as a PNG and import to Roblox.
Then make a ImageLabel for a frame, Make it Slice and set them 250 each box. (500 / 2 = 250, Same goes for 100x100 - 100 / 2 = 50)|
Hope this works for you.
Got you. May you explain, what could be done for a picture instead of a blank one? ;3
I just can’t figure it out.
What is the actual resolution of the image? Not the size in studio, the size of the canvas when you created it.
The current one I’m using is 1679x372 pixels I believe.
I created one with 318x166 as well.
You’ll need to find the Size of what the Image are.
then divide by 2 and then put it into the correct X and Y size boxes.
then the slice scale would be:
838, 186, 838, 186
That one wasn’t the one you created, it was the one you just resized it in the studio.
So the last option is to set the slice center to:
0, 0, 0, 0
Refuses to still work… If I set everything to 0 and set the slicescale to 0 as well, then it goes back to a weird streched version of the normal version without it being roundified.
The problem with your image is that it is not fir for slice scale, sadly, you can only make your UI scale type to crop to make it look as nice as possible, knowing that there wont be smooth corners.
Holy cow…
I’m getting closer by testing on my 318x166 pic. :3
I did it!
But yeah… As you said, it just looks a bit weird. xD :3