Putting the following in ServerScriptService and pressing Play will close (crash) studio, with no error message displayed:
local c1=CFrame.new(-8.122991561889648,97.55282592773438,13.143277168273926,-0.14866837859153748,0.8801444172859192,-0.45082539319992065,0.9846494197845459,0.17391368746757507,0.01482382696121931,0.09145182371139526,-0.4417010247707367,-0.8924891352653503)
local s1=Vector3.new(0.0010000000474974513, 26.760805130004883, 16.20891571044922)
local c2=CFrame.new(-14.762089729309082,97.77113342285156,0,0.14866837859153748,0.8801444172859192,0.45082539319992065,-0.9846494197845459,0.17391368746757507,-0.01482382696121931,-0.09145182371139526,-0.4417010247707367,0.8924891352653503 )
local s2=Vector3.new(0.0010000000474974513, 26.760805130004883, 13.244169235229492)
local WedgePart1 = Instance.new('WedgePart')
WedgePart1.Size = s1
WedgePart1.CFrame = c1
local WedgePart2 = Instance.new('WedgePart')
WedgePart2.Size = s2
WedgePart2.CFrame = c2
WedgePart1.Parent = game
local Triangle = WedgePart1:UnionAsync({WedgePart2})
When creating the parts in workspace and trying to union them in the editor UI, an error message is shown saying that no result was returned. Changing the X component of Size to 0.004 instead of 0.001 results in no error message.
The bug is isolated from a script that generated other triangles, all of which should be of the same thickness. Only 1 of 19 union operations crashed studio, using these specific WedgeParts.
The issue is not related to parenting one of the parts to “game”. It also happens when both parts are parented to game.Workspace.,
This happens on a Lenovo PC with windows 11 24H2 build 26100.2605, CPU is Snapdragon ™ 8cx Next Gen 3.24 GHz (ARM64). 32 GB ram.
I do not have a x86 PC to try it on.
Roblox Studio is Version 0.654.2.6540482 (64bit).