Im trying to get the weapon sway to look something like this:
Example.wmv (1.2 MB)
without using animations, how could i do this?
-This is the closest ive gotten in my script
local SetViewPosition = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function (dt)
local CurrentCFrame = V_Viewmodel:GetPivot()
if HumRoot.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude < 1 then
local DefaultGunShake = math.sin(tick() * 2) * 0.05
local TargetCFrame = Camera.CFrame * + DefaultGunShake,-4.5 + DefaultGunShake, 0.55)
t = 0
t += dt
local GunShake = math.sin(t * 5) * 0.1
V_Viewmodel:PivotTo(Camera.CFrame * + GunShake,-4.5 + GunShake, 0.55))
The only problem with this is that it kinda snaps when switching standing to walking.
–edit i meant this video
SwayExample.wmv (1.3 MB)
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January 4, 2025, 9:07pm
Instead of having two states, mix those two sources of shake using a lerp. Use the players velocity as the ‘alpha’, and add some smoothing to it by averaging over the last couple velocities. E.g:
wiggleFactor = (previousVelocity + Velocity.Magnitude) / 2.0
previousVelocity = Velocity.Magnitude
1 Like
This sounds like it’ll work great, I’ll try it out soon here and let you know how it worked when i get back!
sorry about this but could you show me how i should implement this into my script?
Nevermind! I got something working, fixed up a lerped CFrame, heres the code, ill probably adjust it later.
local SetViewPosition = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function (dt)
local CurrentCFrame = V_Viewmodel:GetPivot()
if HumRoot.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude < 1 then
local DefaultGunShake = math.sin(tick() * 2) * 0.05
local TargetCFrame = Camera.CFrame * + DefaultGunShake,-4.5 + DefaultGunShake, 0.55)
local CurrentCFrame = V_Viewmodel:GetPivot():Lerp(TargetCFrame, 0.9)
t = 0
t += dt
local GunShake = math.sin(t * 5) * 0.1
V_Viewmodel:PivotTo(Camera.CFrame * + GunShake,-4.5 + GunShake, 0.55))
January 4, 2025, 11:53pm
This is a interesting way of doing it. Let me know if theres anything else.
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Is there a better way i couldve done this? what would you suggest?
Im just not the biggest fan of lerping cause it doesnt look great when you turn your camera fast
January 5, 2025, 12:22am
Sorry I should have clarified, I meant for you to lerp the magnitude (the 0.05 or 0.1 after your sins) not the CFrames, which would indeed have that problem.
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January 19, 2025, 12:23am
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