Creator AMA (RDC 2024) with Nick and Tian [September 19, 2024]

Are there any plans to support the .SVG file format? This would be great for reducing quality loss with different screen resolutions and may be more performant!


With the additions to the APIs available for use with translations, are there any plans to provide open cloud read/write for localization strings? I feel like doing so would be of value for allowing for version control and allowing creators to put the level of review they feel is necessary on changes made by translators - since there’s no system resembling pull requests present for translations at the moment.

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Really great point. We definitely want paid access experiences to have the ability to drive discovery using ads, but there are complexities. We’ll let you know when we have something to share. In the meantime we did add Top Paid Access charts that should help paid games get discovered.


I know this isn’t related with RDC, but it was kind of surprising that it wasn’t in RDC, are we going to get a Talent Hub update any time soon? There are a lot of missing features people requested in the DevForum category, as well as many bugs which need addressing.

How is this not in good faith? I personally connect with what he said and I believe that we should have answers for this. Time and time again roblox has proven that it cannot provide this so called “creative freedom” that it promotes. I’ve personally worked on countless projects that I have believed would be very very interesting to see on this platform but have always been stumped with such silly limitations.

I can’t even recreate an indie-game that released in 1995 on the PC-9800 (a pc series released in 1979 that ran a DOS like operating system) with 32KB of ROM and 16KB of RAM at a CPU clockspeed of 4MHz without the engine grinding down to a halt.

There simply isn’t space for developers like us to truly show what we are capable of and this is a question I really want to see answered. What is roblox doing? What do they have to say?


Yes! We are working to bring Future lighting to Android and will be testing it soon to ensure it’s performant and works well. We are not currently working on depth of field, but we’ll take your feedback into account – thank you!


Hey everyone - thank you for your questions! We’ve received the most questions ever in an AMA and want to answer as many as possible. For this reason, we will no longer be taking new questions so we can tackle those we have received.

See you in the next one! :happy3:


Last year at RDC, we showed a preview of our new voxel lighting system, which will be a big step forward visually for mid-range devices. We’re really excited about the potential for this, but we chose to pause its development so that we could focus on improving performance and stability right now. We think that was the right tradeoff – and hope you’ll like new features like automatic, dynamic occlusion culling, too, and we’re looking forward to resuming work on lighting features.

Please keep the specific feedback coming for things you’d like to improve, such as shadow resolution, so that we can ensure it’s on our radar for consideration in our future product roadmap.


I saw a change in a Fast Flag for the Chrome UI regarding the “Beta” Badge. Is the yellow Beta Badge for Voice Chat getting removed?

Also, if the Chrome UI is coming back, are the speech bubbles over player’s heads also coming back? If yes, along with the old bugs for the old one being fixed?


We want your paid access experiences to be successful, and have discussed many of your ideas. Based on community feedback, paid access games will be able to participate in engagement-based payouts (EBP), and we’ll allow for paid access to private servers (using real currency).

As the program grows, we also plan to add more tiers and regional pricing. The other piece of the equation is discovery. We’ve already added a ‘Top Paid Access’ chart to help surface great content in this category. We’ll have more to share when we get closer to launch.


We hear this feedback in the context of leaderboards. We’re working on a GetRank API for memory stores, to help with use cases like finding a player’s rank in a list of competitors or finding a particular server in a list.

We are considering this on data stores, and also considering providing a more deliberate leaderboard offering.


Hi and thanks for the question! We plan to share more information about this closer to the rollout in early 2025 once we pilot Roblox Commerce with a few creators and brands. Thanks for your patience!

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We don’t have active plans to add one, but thank you for the feedback! We’ll look more closely at this and ensure it’s on our radar for consideration in the future.


Happy Birthday! Our team will manually curate our first version of the templates. As we grow the number of templates, we will explore different ways to allow people to sort and search for templates. We will be reviewing each template against our Community Standards. As a reminder, please ensure you only submit things that are your original creation.


We plan to launch detailed analytics for avatar items by the end of this year. It will solve the limitation of only showing the top items, as we will expand to show metrics for all items. This initial launch will not expand the date range past one year, but we are exploring expanding the range in the future.


One of the priorities for Next Gen Studio is customization. We believe this is the best way for experienced creators to fine-tune Studio for their own personal workflows. We will be releasing a very early version of custom tabs in the Preview Beta within the next few weeks. This will allow for any combination of tools and plugins on a single toolbar.

We are still in the early days with Next Gen Studio UI, and we are actively discussing what levels of customization we can offer and what the interfaces for customizing will look like. We will continue releasing regular updates to the Beta, and we encourage you to keep trying it out and giving us your feedback.


We love this question. It’s true - pricing game passes and in-game items is one of the most important decisions you make. Pricing is something that’s totally unique to each experience - what works for one creator might not work for another. In the coming weeks, we will be launching price optimization to help creators find the most attractive prices for their items and their unique set of users. Price optimization will allow you to A/B test your product prices on a subset of your users over a two-week period.

At the end of the test, creators will receive a price recommendation per item and can choose to update their prices based on the recommendation or leave them at the current level. We will have more details to share when we launch in the coming weeks.


Great question - I spend a lot of time on genres as everyone here knows. Regarding making genres more community-driven, we’re evaluating crowdsourcing feedback from verified players to help classify experiences beyond genres.

But to provide more context on what we’re doing for genres, we’re taking a two-pronged approach. First, we’re making a taxonomy that makes sense for Roblox and honors the genres that are popular and unique to our platform. You can expect similar high-level genres as we have today, but we’ll have more nuanced subgenres — and we’ll share more information on the full list with you on the DevForum soon. So for example, we’ll have an Action top-level genre, and we may have a ‘Battlegrounds/Fighting’ subgenre since that is a very Roblox phenomenon. Second, we’ll be revising this constantly as new genres emerge. Themes, gameplay mechanics and aesthetics often transcend genres, and we will want to call attention to what’s trending on Roblox in new and interesting ways.


We’re excited about revamping the Asset Manager so everyone can work more efficiently with their assets.

Our plan is that Toolbox will be focused on the Creator Store, while Asset Manager will be a separate view that replaces the Inventory tab now in Toolbox. Asset Manager will have more features than the Inventory tab now supports – for instance, better handling of large asset libraries, better search capabilities, and bulk editing support. Please share your feedback once it goes live!