Creator AMA with Nick and Tian Tomorrow!

They are the Engineering and Product Leaders for Creators


I think you misunderstood what I meant. I understand people wont know what AMA stands for. I meant that when I said that it means “Ask Me Anything” I don’t think there’s really much else to say, because it’s in the name. :sob: Sorry if that came off wrong.


Words are here bc limit…hnfhgd

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Ok you are right, I did misunderstand what you meant. Thanks for letting everyone know what it stands for!


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Was about to react with a laughing emoji but DevForum doesn’t have the Discourse emotes plugin :sob:

Thank you for the link, will try and ask about plugins if I get chance.

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Any plans to update or revamp the lighting features in studio? Would love some more creative freedom with that, and I really do believe they could use some updating!

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