[Creator dashboard] Error analytics improperly truncate error messages

Currently, as of 11/27/23, error analytics which can be viewed in the creator dashboard improperly truncate an error’s message. This makes it harder to address issues in our game, because we have to spend time guessing what the error message was.

Here’s the error shown on the analytics dashboard:

Here’s what the full error message was:

Notice how a large portion of the error message has been cut out in the dashboard

Expected behavior

It is expected that an error’s complete message and stack trace would be visible in the creator dashboard. Omitting any data makes our life much more difficult and significantly decreases the value of the error analytics page. This is the type of issue that will force us to invest in our own logging infrastructure, which is very expensive.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/2022463223/analytics/errors?filter_LogSeverity=Error&filter_Text=ui

Quick follow-up :

Full error messages are being shown in the dashboard:

However, if you run a search in the error analytics, the error messages will be truncated. This is poor UX but not a bug.

The issue has been fixed. However due to our cache, the same keyword search might still appear with truncated messages. But if you search with some different keyword you never used before, it should pop up the whole message.

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