Creator dashboard fails to load experiences in two different ways

Reproduction Steps

Simply try using the page, it seems to be happening at random.

Expected Behavior

I expect to see my experiences available to see, so I can edit them.

Actual Behavior

The dashboard shows that I have not created any experiences in the last 13 years, clearly a issue there lol. Same happens with group places. The second issue is that sometimes the entire page just shows up as a blank screen when i enter it.


Go back to the main page and return and see if it works, sometimes it takes several attempts, record is 5.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL:
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Often
Date Last Experienced: 2023-02-28 05:02:00 (-05:00)



Thanks for reporting this - the team is investigating


For me, archived places show instead of the normal ones and if I try to archive them they appear again… this happens with all assets and also in studio lol

Big thanks for this report. Unfortunately, we can’t repro, and since it’s a few months old, we’re going to assume this is no longer occurring. So sorry for the late update. Would you mind filing again if you’re still having trouble? Going to close out the thread.

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