Creator Hub Group Collaboration?

I was recently going through the dashboard on the Creator Hub when I came across a tab called Collaboration, I wasn’t exactly sure what this tab was about. I had imagined it was something related to development collaboration with team creation. However, it turns out that it’s interconnected with the group itself.

Now, I am confused, I went to research the DevForums and even Google, yet they yielded no results. Additionally, this new collaboration menu has a tab for Roles, which mentions that the group roles are called Legacy Roles, which sounds like the original group roles are being depreciated.

You’re also able to create roles (With no additional cost compared to group roles). These roles allow you to create “invisible” permissions within a group.

I am quite confused about what this system is for, what is it intended to do, and whether there is a post regarding it?


Sorry for the late reply.
This seems to be a lesser-talked about point on the Roadmap.
One of the bullet points on the Roadmap reads:

Creator Groups in Creator Hub - Assign more specific permissions to roles, provide multiple roles to a member, and add collaborators with a new invite flow. (Early 2024)

I hope the “specific” roles mentioned here are more specific than those shown currently, as I believe all of that can be accomplished with the regular group roles.

As to whether the “legacy roles” will be deprecated, my bet is that they won’t. The new roles are invisible on the Roblox website, and also don’t cost Robux, (If they were replacing the old roles they wouldn’t miss out on this,) so it is my belief that they are designed to work in tandem with the legacy roles.

I am kind of excited for this, for no particular reason.

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To update this post a few months later


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