Creator hub group dropdown unable to select a group (it shares ID numbers with my account)

The creator hub thinks my group is my account itself upon selecting dropdowns, resulting in being unable to select the group specifically in the dropdowns.

(Group ID 487805, user ID 487805; these are unrelated ID numbers)

Occurs on all browsers.

Severity: Low (this is not affecting my ability to Develop because I use a different group for developing)

Expected behavior

A separate list for the group should be appearing when selected.

Page URL:


Thanks for your report!

We will be looking into this.


This is so funny. They’re probably going to have to overhaul most of the system in which the dropdown selection is handled, all because your user ID and group ID are the same. Pretty cool though! Bet they never expected that one to happen. :joy:


Wow, that’s actually so rare. Crazy.

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We have deployed a fix for this now. Let us know of any other issues!


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