Creator marketplace does not show all of the assets created by developer

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the filter button.
  3. Check “Include unverified creators”.
  4. Type “Daw588” into the “Search by Creator” textbox.
  5. Click “SEARCH”.

Expected Behavior
I expected to have all of my 5 public plugins to show up in the creator marketplace like on the develop page.

Actual Behavior
Only 3 of my public plugins show up in the creator marketplace.

Issue Area: Website (Creator Marketplace)
Issue Type: Display, API
Impact: High
Frequency: Always


We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and we’ll follow up when we have an update.

Thanks for the report!


Any updates on this? This is still an issue.


Thank you for reporting this issue. The marketplace team strives to ensure that content is safe, and as a result of safety measures this issue may have occurred. We definitely understand the frustration this would cause, and are working towards long-term solutions that will improve transparency.

Thank you again for the feedback!


Same with me, one plugin is missing.

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Yup, same here. My plugin doesn’t show up in the marketplace either.

It appears that this issue has been fixed at the moment of writing this. Thanks!

I feel like the marketplace should also disable the verified filter entirely when searching for a specific person or group.

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Not for me tho. Still missing one plugin. There should be 4 plugins not 3 here

It might appear eventually, because I doubt that help will come.

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