Creator Roadmap 2023: End of Year Recap

Early 2024 is about to be insane. I’m very much looking forward to the alt account detection and banning APIs. This makes me think there will be stuff in place to allow bans such as IP or HWID (without actual access to them).


Although there are still a number of rough patches and communication improvement to be worked on, 2023 was easily one of the best technical years for Roblox. Technical years: I am still not convinced about the platform’s safety and internal culture and how that affects us as developers, the features we get (or don’t get) and the loss of talent at Roblox.

I am really struggling - but trying to rationalise how difficult it likely is now - to accept dynamic filters being put on hold rather than delayed or on track. I’ve been fighting for better discovery for 6 years that doesn’t purely benefit the top earning experiences, and posted the very first feature request to restore them hour zero of their removal. They are so important to have and how a lot of us grew our communities in the past and found other representative experiences.

Having genres removed with no alternative except for trusting staff curation, automatic algorithms and the various ad systems - all of which have been spectacularly failing or sunset and made inaccessible to independent developers without significant capital - has been crushing. I am lucky enough to have grown my community via genre filters before they were removed, in which case we’d likely have no players for organic growth at all or it’d be significantly more difficult.

I really want to go back to before 2017 when I could hit a dropdown and curate my own discovery experience rather than have it approximated by an algorithm that only boasts metrics (and lately, it feels like monetisation is the only real metric given how most sorts have experiences with high-earning experiences). The removal of genres without an alternative has just been crushing for most low-earning projects and I refuse to abandon my morals and make a soulless cash grab for a cut of the pie, as much as that hurts my prospects to share my experience with many as it does.

That aside though; when comparing the good and the bad of the year, it’s about time we had a year where there were more wins than losses. Huge cheers.


…Or that they tried it and didn’t like it, which happens all the time.


It was a good year in terms of features


Lots of great features, but could we expect SSR to be added in 2024? Its been LONG overdue and very unfortunate that it isnt yet added, would def help visuals lots.


What an incredible year it was. I hope the next one is even more insane than this one.



A trial - which is also on the roadmap - will remedy that.


Whilst I’m glad the team is showing signs that they’re open to options that don’t directly include opening up your wallet and attaching a credit card I can’t help but think there’s not a whole lot of users that’d make use of Roblox Credit to subscribe to 1 experience.

Roblox Credit you get from a Roblox giftcard and is directly spent on Premium, for which Developers are automatically paid out in Robux as soon as these members engage with our experiences.
They can also buy Robux, the go-to way for many many years to buy anything whatsoever on the platform.

However people choose to spend their Roblox Credit it always ends up in someone’s Robux.
Our robux balance is the result of someone else their purchases on the platform (people buying my passes, playing as Premium…) and/or my own (my own Premium subscription, directly buying Robux…).

Why not allow Robux to be a subscription option?

  • Anything else on the platform is paid in Robux: streamline the experience.
  • Every click and hurdle you put in the way of the purchase will only spook people ending up in no purchase.
  • People already paid with a real currency prior one way or another for the Robux we end up with in our balance.
  • For developers the subscriptions are paid out in Robux: whether players spend 5 USD or 500 Robux the result is all the same for our wallet.
  • When people run out of Robux they’re likely to purchase Robux or renew their Premium subscription again - giving you the direct cash injection Roblox is clearly seeking for with this feature - at which point they can re-invest their robux into our experience subscriptions if they so wish to.

When I poll my playerbase they’re not opposed to subscriptions, but they’re opposed to bringing out their credit cards or heading to their local store to spend a few dollars to support my experiences.

Conceptually it’s a big ask to have players spend their money on Roblox again, going through many clicks and concerns, when they have Robux laying around that was already paid for.

I urge the team behind subscriptions (and the finance team driving these decisions) to reconsider Robux as an option.


I don’t see Visual Studio and Roblox Studio Code sync? Is it delayed or something?


Why is there so much focus on AI? The other things are so cool and needed but then theres just “upcoming improvements to our AI-powered texture generation” Why not improve something thats actually needed…yk like how Roblox still uses extreamly outdated rendering techniques for transparent parts and decals making it almost impossible to do some things (for example: making trees) or how future lighting is still an unoptimized mess… I understand Roblox has different teams that work on different things but I feel like yall are just wasting resources that could have went to a better use :confused:

That being said I am very excited for:


Honestly these are the things we have been wanting and this roadmap makes me have huge hope for the future of this platform. This year was by far the best when it comes to technological advancements and a minor improvement in communication from the team who works at Roblox (Though I would appreciate more transparency from ALL departments cough safety team cough) it was definitely good, and lets not forget the news about roblox teaming up with one of the biggest exploit devs aswell as having multiple huge banwaves that basically has the exploit community in shambles. That being said theres also a few updates this year that shouldn’t have happened, almost happened, or needs things to be added. (I wont be listing them but you know what ones they are)


That will be the best change!!!


ban on refund? thats comic book villain level of evil lol


Really looking forward to those updates! But, one thing I hope that will come is better voicechat api. I wish there was a feature to get the users current microphone volume and to see when they talk! It would bring cool horror games! But other than that, pretty good!


Yeah where is the news regarding “Occlusion Culling” that we were promised and showcased at the RDC?? It disappeared all of a sudden?

Also Occlusion Culling is something that will be adding on the Roblox clients and improve performance? Not much was said about it


Where’s the Dynamic Filters?

This singular feature is game changing for for people who want to find specific games…

If this feature doesn’t get added, I’m going to be extremely upset.


Probably yes. There is already frustum culling that makes things that aren’t in cameras fov not render, so occlusion culling will probably do the same but for things that are covered behind other things.


As replied to someone else on another topic:


These look like really good things on the horizon! It’s looking like the switch to service platform is right around the corner.

Will there be further clarification on what players/devs can expect in terms of how Roblox will function differently overall as a service platform against how the platform functions currently?

Also, in terms of the avatar system will there be specific clarification on the future of classic avatar/2D avatar assets? Will players who currently have classic avatars/heads that use 2D assets still be able to use them on profile, in development and in games in 2024 going forward?


I unironically dare you guys to release public UGC. Completely ignoring the sliced up limited copies, I cannot wait to see the stock take a nose dive after the media articles come out about how Roblox is allowing fully 3D “appendages and other explicit adult only content” on the website and in games. I’m sure everyone reading this knows exactly what I’m talking about.

The sliced up limiteds are just scratching the surface of moderator incompetency. Do go ahead and enable public UGC though!


its not the buyers fault if the dev didnt implement subscriptions the proper way, if they add a instant bonus or something whats the actual benefit to it