Creator Roadmap - AMA with Dan and Manuel

Slight addendum:

I must have missed the earlier post from Fluffmiceter which is identical to the first half of mine. The second half still applies.

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This isn’t a question but I think it needs to be said:

Someone has reached out over Discord and been candid about the plans for “supporting” Rojo going forward. It turns out to be pleasantly good news. To summarize it for anyone not in the server:

  • Roblox wants to develop an open spec for file formats
  • They also want to develop a “human readable and easily parsed” file format
  • Community feedback will be considered once it’s ready and the feedback will be done over the DevForum
  • There is no exact ETA but there will probably be something at RDC
  • Opaque blobs like Attributes and Terrain will be considered when developing the spec and format

This is, frankly, amazing news and I’m excited for the Rojo team and everyone else to be able to put their expertise towards use with documenting and developing a format soon™. :smile:


Once we support transferring experiences to other accounts, it will automatically move all products and information for the experience: Data Stores, places, badges, passes, analytics, etc. Initially we’re supporting user to group transfers but hope to eventually support all types of transfers including user to user, group to user, and group to group.


Would we ever be able to modify CoreUI to suit our game? Like transparency, size, etc.

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World // Zero still has to use SpecialMeshes* for hair because we can use the VertexColor to pseudo-hue shift the texture on the mesh.

We’ve been waiting 5+ years for the ability to do this on MeshParts either via a TextureColor or SurfaceAppearance. This missing functionality would seriously help.

Here’s the feature request from 2017: Adjusting the Color3 of a MeshPart Texture


Educating our creators is a top priority and we have multiple resources available that we will continue to iterate on. With analytics, benchmarking and insights, we hope to provide targeted feedback. We are also working to extend documentation and tutorials to address many aspects of creation.

For Open Cloud API documentation, we’re working to automate it similar to the Engine API so it will be complete, easily discoverable, and thorough.


Will Roblox reply to any about offsale limiteds ?
We really have been waiting weeks for responses on this

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Ooh, please! What Roblox’s terrain grass misses are the abilities to;

  • paint them onto non-terrain instances (consider e.g. small flower pots)

  • alter the foliage, having varying flowers and foliage that aren’t a simple blade of grass. Being able to strategically place singular instances, or groups thereof, at a time all with varying shapes & colors is extremely powerful to having vivid and lifelike scenery!


I’m aware this question has been asked before, but how will public UGC be regulated? Will people still need to pay an upload fee to ensure the catalog isn’t flooded? How will moderation be handled?

Additionally, opening UGC uploads to the entire platform is very concerning in regards to ingame performance- having to load potentially hundreds of different ugc for a full server (not to mention image textures and rigging) is going to cause much more lag, especially if we won’t have an effective way to white/blacklist UGC given the insane amount of uploads.

Furthermore, existing UGC creators have spent months or even years proving their talent to be accepted into UGC, and have spent months waiting to be accepted. What benefits will existing UGC creators be given over others who are given access when public UGC comes out? As someone who has been considering applying for UGC for a long time now, I’m very concerned about the increase in competition. As Aelirix stated, the intent in opening UGC to everyone is to drive more people to the marketplace- but i’m worried that it would do the opposite, considering the amount of low-quality assets that could be uploaded.


We hear you and are continuing to invest in Marketplace search, 3D item similarity and duplicate detection and ways for people to discover things that they love in the Marketplace that is personalized to them. Stay tuned for more in this area.


With recommendations, we continually iterate to identify the best way to present experiences to users. The goal is to match users with experiences they will like that drive long-term engagement, retention and monetization, and at the same time help new experiences get discovered.

We have been testing a number of different signals to see what works most effectively for home recommendations and to make our UI more efficient and experiences more discoverable.


Hello Dan and Manuel,

When will we be getting a new UI editor inside of studio? I’m really frustrated with the current state of the editor and I think it could use a rework. I remember it being updated in 2018.


Can there be an announcement when things are improved? So that we know it’s worth the trouble to submit a ticket?

Recently I attempt to contact support about issues I was having in UGC (I was asking if an item was OK to put on sale and trying to resolve some items that had been missed in moderation and were still pending after weeks)…

They replied to me 3 times with canned / automated “Roblox is a game and moderation is important” emails… as I kept replying to them that their responses had nothing to do with what I was asking about.

This was their last response in our “email chain” before I gave up…

Thank you for your response.

We understand your concern and you mean a lot to us, we work to ensure that we’re assisting each and every person to the best of our ability.

For more information, please read our help article:


Long-term, we are building an economy where anyone can create, sell and earn on our platform. As we open up the ability to create to everyone, we want to be thoughtful in our approach. This applies to avatars as well. Our community guidelines, and the ability to report infringing avatars will still apply.

Regarding distribution, check out this link.


Will parts be affected by winds? Can we customize different grass colors and height corresponding to area? Also any major upgrades to clouds?

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Will the discovery system be updated? A while ago the search tool has been reworked and ALL games I’ve ever contributed to don’t show up when searching for them for hours which extremely hurts retention and impressions. The requirements to be featured have also been increased. When can we expect to see improvements towards distribution of our creations? Including UGC, animations, audio etc. Or atleast why was this change made… it seems to be very difficult to promote without a tons of hoarded robux or an already established fanbase. How can we promote beyond that then? Since for people to checkout stuff we made on roblox they need to register on the website to see more than a preview and that only applies to some stuff on the web page :confused:


Hi Dan and Manuel

I know that part of moving forward to connecting the whole world is automated translations, however, as someone who does actively translate on Roblox, using the Translator Portal is like self-torture. A lot of things either don’t work, get spammed by bad actors or need specific conditions to work. There is nothing that helps translators identify what text specifically triggers auto-moderation and in many cases we’re left to the mercy of the filter updates.

Are there any plans to make the Translator Portal more user friendly than it currently is? There is a focus group for translators that I am part of and at this point it has been pretty much abandoned.

Roblox is a great platform and I’d love to support developers who choose to localize their experiences, I just hope that we can get better in-house tools in the future.


Please- if you’re unable to answer the question right now, please just say so. We just want to know our complaints on the percentage split are heard, not given copy/pasted messages. As it is, the UGC creators are just getting more and more frustrated.
Please, treat us like the valuable assets Roblox claims we are.


What is the current status of custom icons for the the entirety of studio and not just the explorer? I really don’t like the current icons and I would like a way to change them, and I didn’t see anything related to it on the roadmap. From what I have heard, the ribbon icons use QT, and I’m not knowledgeable on that framework. The last I have heard about this was from this comment from an admin.


Check out the answer in the question about future support for files and about the creator marketplace. Hope this helps!